09-13-2016, 09:00 AM
I have admittedly been on a &quot;Big Fish Drought&quot; recently. While catching good numbers, the trophy cats have eluded my boat in recent weeks. <br /><br />But Steve Proctor broke the drought Sunday! <br /><br />Here&#39;s the video: https://youtu.be/EAId3xpcby4<br /><br />On top of that, he and Cynthia Khalife (from Denver, Colorado) put the smackdown on big numbers of quality fish. It was easily a 200-pound-plus , 4-hour venture ... probably much more than 200! And we left &#39;em biting. It&#39;s fishing so, of course, the bite varies day-to-day. On Friday, in the exact same spot, we caught about a fourth of Sunday&#39;s catch. It just shows you never know what mood the fish will be in one day to the next.<br /><br />Hopefully Sunday&#39;s big fish is a sign of things to come. As Fall approaches, the big cat bite should do nothing but improve.<br /><br />We were on Chickamauga Lake (obviously), vertical drift fishing 40-55 feet of water... with my favorite bait, chicken breast. I use 50 lb. braided line going to a 3-way rig (60 # hook leader to a 5/0 Team Catfish circle hook). Basically it&#39;s &quot;drop-shotting&quot; for catfish.<br />