09-18-2016, 09:00 AM
Sorry for the late post but I'm in heating and AC and its been a little busy this summer. We had decided to live and die by the frog, and after about an hour of nothing my son says maybe they will hit a worm. On his first cast he breaks off on a good one. So worms it was, I caught our 1st keeper on a magnum trick worm. We ran up river to find a little current and Tyan caught a short spot on the first cast and then a 14 in spot on the next cast. We caught several shorts on the worm. We started drifting down a shady bank with some spotted grass, and Tyan picks up the finesse jig. On his first pitch it lands on top of the grass and he just eased it off the grass and a big flash and the fight was on. We knew that one had a chance of being big fish but we were extremely excited to find out we had enough to win. I do want to brag on my 14 yr old. On the way home he asked if we were going to split the money. I said absolutely, we fish as a team. He asked how much gas we put in the boat and I told him, then he asked how much the entry fee was and i told him. He then says "Dad take that money out before we split it, you paid that out of your pocket". Pretty grown up thing to say for a kid. I have to say I'm very lucky to have such a good kid.