09-20-2016, 09:00 AM
<br /> We decided to hit the Riverpark to test our newly repaired trolling motor and try to find a few fish for next weekend&#39;s classic. After talking to Dink we unloaded and headed to your first spot. Throwing a topwater on the rip rap I caught two quick keeper size spots (for a total of 1.5 lbs...LOL). We then headed to a spot and as Dusty and I were discussing catching a big smallmouth his rod bent over. He got her in and she was a whopper! We took a few pics, and wanted to weigh but the batteries in my scales were corroded. Measured and let her go to fight another day. I caught my largest tournament smallmouth of 5.8 a few years ago and now doubt this fish was 2-3 inches longer than that one. We fished another two hours, catching 13 spotted bass and 6 whopper catfish before heading to the house. <br /> All fish caught on topwater, jig, and drop shot in 5-18 feet of water.