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Full Version: Weber Brownies/Cutts
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Paid my favorite river a quick visit while up North on business. It was a beautiful day on the Weber...water was running a little high, but tolerable. Best of brownies and cutts were willing to come out and play. Pumpkin Head bugger with a BH Hares Ear was the ticket for me. I'll be back to visit next weekend...until then.

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Tell us how far behind you trail your hares ear. I fish two flies on still water but get hella tangled on rivers because of all the extra casting.
[quote OldTroller]Tell us how far behind you trail your hares ear. I fish two flies on still water but get hella tangled on rivers because of all the extra casting.[/quote]

Best to avoid any false casting with a double nymph rig on the rivers. If your cast is short just let it trail throug the hole as best it can then recast farther out. Plus you might be surprised at how many fish you catch on "mid casts"