09-23-2016, 09:00 AM
Been slammed with work and have not got to go much. Today worked out and I was able to slip out and do a little looking around and stretch a line. I was not sure how good or poor it was going to be after hearing about all the low weights. emoScratch Turned out to be a pretty good day for me. I threw everything at them and they were not exactly jumping in the boat but was able to get 16 bass into the boat. I think a couple I must have hit on the head. Made a cast and before I was able to move the bait they blew up on it. emoSmile Got to like it when they do that. The water is dropping a little and the water temp today was down to 82 when I got there. Lot of grass but most of it is not ready, it is just too thick. I still think it is going to be a tough one this weekend. I can only hope I can do as well this weekend as I did today. emoAngel Boated a 6/4, 4/6, a 3/3, 2/4 and a 2/2 for my best five keepers. Most were short. 18/3 was the weight for my best five and I will take that in a heart beat this time of year. emoThumbsup Here are the pictures of the two biggest, I would have taken one of the 3 lber but there were too many eyes watching when I caught that one. There was a lot of boats out today. I talked with one and was told he was fishing for the College tournament Saturday out of Dayton. Looks like we are going to have a few on the Chick this weekend. emoRolleyes <br /><br />Looking forward to seeing everyone for the Classic. emoAngler Jmax