10-11-2016, 09:00 AM
Forgive me brothers for I have sinned. It has been 2 years or more since my last post! I have trolled your reports and have been to lazy to post my own. I will do 50 Hail Marys and try to not be such a mooch!<br />Me and my pal Randy fished his work tournament today. We put in at Holly Circle. We ran way down to the lower lake to fish grass. The wind was a mother all day it never let up for long so all plans went out the window. <br />All eight hours of fishing can be summed up by saying Randy had a blow up on a whopper plop er and I caught one 16 inch bass on a spinnerbait teamed with a jerky j. <br />We left about 30 minutes before weigh in frustrated from the wind but glad to have the chance to spend some time on the water.<br />I do think as soon as the weather calms down the frog bite will be on. The grass is looking cheesy and sounding sucky. Lol