10-13-2016, 09:00 AM
took a couple of friends out Sunday for an attempt at catching some top-water fish. we started off fishing grass with Frogs, plopers and buzz baits..nothing.....not a single blow up. so we decided to make a run to an area that had been producing ok for me, i put the square bill on and broke off on a good fish that jumped about 30 seconds after i broke off it looked to be in the 3-4 l range. so i tied on another while my buds were still fishing top-water and i put a 5lbr in the boat, they were catching a few small fish. our other friend was meeting ups at HPSP at noon so we decided to head that way to meet him and put the 2nd boat in the water.. OMG i have fished the Chick all my life and i don&#39;t know that i have ever seen it as rough as it was Sunday i have a 20 ft Stratos and it was scary, So we pull in HPSP to wait on him and in the meantime we start throwing frogs. we catch 4 and miss 4 or 5 more nothing of any size but fish none the less. we decide to split up and i take my friends son with me and we are going to meet back at the ramp at 1800 with our best 5. I told him that i may be making a mistake but i have a feeling of something we need to try . We run up in Wolftever and start chunking the square bill and immediately start catching fish. we fish a 300 yard stretch for the next 4-5 hours and catch close to 50 fish, My best 3 would have been 13.5 -14 and my best 5 were right at 20lbs. as for number and size it was one of the best days i have had since the spring. we had maybe 10 over 3 lbs. Tyler caught his PB at 3.14 he was excited. Turns out he&#39;s a pretty good net-man as well..Got back to the ramp and the other 2 did not have a keeper. it was a great day but that wind was something else. <br />