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Took a couple hours Saturday morning to help my son install a new stove in his kitchen. By about 1130 when I got home, weather looked so nice, I hooked up the boat and got back out on Willard from south marina. Spent just 2 hours slow trolling around the new structure off the south wall, boated 1 Cat that sucked up my Fire Tiger. Released him, called it a day.
Then according to the weather I saw, Saturday was forecast to be kind of iffy, cloudy, rainy, and Sunday much improved. Turned out to be just the opposite. Nice fall day Saturday, and wet, cool, and windy, Sunday. [:/]

But I did make the drive up to the Bear B.R. area and did a better check out of several of the spots along the river that looked fishable. Pulled one little dink mudder out at the Refuge boat launch at the end of the paved road.
And heading back towards Brigham, I stopped at one spot near a flow control gate, made one cast, started to reel back and something hit my line. It wasn't fighting, but felt heavy, and it was moving. Figured I got into some partially submerged wood or clump of grass, something. Brought it in and had to chuckle, it was the rusted, mud covered, yoke of an old oar lock. Wondered how much of the old boat it was from might still be there under the water.....[unimpressed].
Only thing that was kind of unexpected out there yesterday.......with the rain, occasional strong breeze, and cooler air temp, I was surprised to get pestered by quite a few skeeters.
Next time I head that way, I will take the OFF. [fishin]
Nice report, you sure seem to make it out consistently, wish I was able to go a little more... Just finished the last crop of hay for the year, so maybe I'll start doing better now... Later J
As an Air Force guy, should know that on your way to the landing, you have to take OFF...
Yea Jeff, I get out pretty consistent now, but 95% to Willard only. That's OK though. It's closer to home than anywhere else, and I was able to pretty much restock my deep freeze with Wiper, and Catfish for the winter. Never do stock up on Walleye, cuz they get ate the same day the get caught.
Once all the waters freeze this winter, I will have the time to do some tinkering on the boat, the trailer, my tackle box....etc. Looking towards the Cat Contest dinner get together.
Sounds good Forest we'll see you there. J
Wow you do put the miles on you boat, and Truck to. Good information, I'm hoping to find some good walleyes to but, I'm finding deer creek to be better catching.
I have two head nets in the boat now, which really work good, because of the last trip to willard. Wallmart has then for 1 dollar. See ya again
Yep, those head nets are great. They can get a bit hot in the summer, but sure do keep the bugs out of eyes, ears, nose, mouth.
Only 20 miles from my house to Willard South. A couple trips a year to Utah Lake (when it has water), usually 2 or 3 trips up to Skunkedagain's home pond at Benson Marina, 1 or 2 to Hyrum, and 1 or 2 to East Canyon. 39 trips to Willard this season between ice off and now. Will make a few more I hope between now and ice on.