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Full Version: Strawberry setups for trolling
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I have had a lot of people PM me and ask what set ups I use to troll Strawberry this is some things that works for me.
he advertise on Utah Premium Member Reports.
so I think it is OK to post this link

he tells you how to use them. you need to put something on the hooks.

Magnum Spinner

Kokanee Spinner

use a green, silver or orange dodger with a 18" leader
I like the ones with green beads for cuts.
I like the size 1 hooks he uses
this also works good for lake trout pups with white beads
I have used them with out a dodger but sometime they work better with a dodger.
I have not tried them for big lakers, but next time I go I will give it a try.
After witnessing first hand your expertise catching Kokanee at Strawberry, I take everything you share here as very valuable. If you're a newbie, like myself, you might want to pay close attention to these posts if you want to greatly shorten the learning curve in becoming proficient at landing a lot of fish at Strawberry and the Gorge.

Some Proof: I was lucky enough to catch a ride with LikeTrolling on a day when he had an open seat in his boat at Strawberry. In a few hours we had our limit of 8 Kokanee and put back another 6-8 others. We were bringing them in like clock-work even when we called it quits. He not only knows what set ups to use for great success, but also how to find the location on the water and the right depth.

I am sure there are others that post on here that also have great success on a regular basis, I just don't know who. I will say, without a doubt, LikeTrolling's advice is golden.

Thanks again.
Thanks for the great information and tips. You and others that help us all become better at catching is why I love BFT.

I hope to get out with again this fall.
Great post, thanks for the tips! I should get one of these to try for my last trip of the season.