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KentofNSL invited me along to Pineview today. We had intended to target crappie, but the little blighters had apparently all gone to the polls today. So we caught perch. Kent, being the boat owner, was allowed to catch the most and biggest. I kept my place (in the back of the boat) and magnanimously caught all the small ones.

Just to prove he's not a braggart, here are his two largest perch:

[Image: PB080007_zpsyaj8nexs.jpg]

[Image: PB080003_zpsgqlqhgrt.jpg]

And just to prove to me that he could, he even landed a double.

[Image: PB080006_zpsnsleblbz.jpg]

Some of the smaller ones could not return to the depths, and were enjoyed by the seagulls - until an immature eagle came by and claimed his share, whereupon the gulls found employment elsewhere, in haste. The eagle came and went before I could get my camera out, unfortunately.

It was a gorgeous day, with water temp 53° and the air going from the upper 30s to almost 50° when we left. And we saw not one political ad the whole day. Success!

Almost forgot: we were not the only crazy bastids. There was a whacknut waterskier out there. Honest.
Rocky, surprised to see the water temp at Pineview and Willard are about the same. I also spotted one water skier coming out of the north marina and headed across the lake. I'm amazed at how many folks have hung up their rods already when we've got a good month of fishing left. Shucks, the way it's going, we might me tubing in February this winter.

As reported we caught some. Rocky introduced me to a RME[Smile] (I believe that is the first hot meal I have had from one of my boats) and the weather couldn't have been nicer. Saw another boat also searching for the crappie and just like us, didn't find any where they were supposed to be down towards the dam. Enjoyed fishing with you again Rocky and look forward to another adventure one of these days.

I returned many perch to their 57' depth with my mini Laker Saver.
Nice report Rocky and Kent, glad to see you did well on perch. That will make lots of ice fishermen happy and excited for this winter, assuming the ice ever comes. Looks like a late ice year if the current predictions hold. Being a tooner I'm ok with these conditions holding its sure a nice time to fish. Thanks for your report. J
Speaking of tooners, I was surprised to see the trailhead access parking lot still open. They normally chain that up in October. So for now at least, tube and tooners can launch from that beach and be half a mile closer to the Narrows.
Thanks for the report and the pictures. Looks like a great fall day and some good fishing. Sounds like the perch were a welcome surprise.

Appears some other "boters" were surprised yesterday!
That's true about the other parking area there, but it's sure a lot easier to back right to the waters edge and put in at the ramp... Especially since I have that turbo electric that really screams down the lake... BTW anybody know a good spot to find a reasonably priced prop for an electric Minnkota???? Broke off one blade last trip.... Luckily I have a second motor I can use now I finally have time to get out fishing a little... Later J
Thanks for the report and pictures. Glad to see you had a great day on the water and Fish On 👍🏼