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It was the worst of times, it was the best of times... Started on Willard with TD, Tincan and Ahi1953 on Thursday for a very unproductive day for me... Couple bites early and then a shutout and good skunk'en... Went home thinking about trying another pond to stop the stinging, but ended up not being able to... So I got ready for my annual Veteran's Day trip with my FIL a Vietnam vet... Got on Hyrum this morning a bit before the sun hit the water, it was windy but pretty day... Started slow with my FIL not catching a fish for the first 45 minutes or so, but then picked up a double with a fish on both poles at the same time, which he even managed to land both... From then on it was game on, the fish were hitting on all four of our poles about as soon as we would set them down, we had many doubles and a triple, but couldn't get a quad because I couldn't get all four poles in the water before we were catching a fish on one of the other poles... It was a wild fast morning, in fact I couldn't keep up with two poles for both of us so we reeled in one or two poles so I could keep up... I have no idea how many fish we caught but pretty sure we topped 50 by the time we quit before noon... Found the fish very thick in the east end of the lake, but we caught them everywhere... Most of the fish were small, 10-12"ers, but we did get a couple pushing 14-15".... Our annual pair of bald eagles were there for the veterans day tribute.... beautiful birds, some of prettiest eagles I've seen they were fully mature and were big strong birds... Anyway it was for sure a switch from the day before... Made the sting go away a bit for me... I was feeling pretty beat after the Willard trip, I'd worked pretty hard that day and couldn't stir up a bite with any of my usual tricks and even Pat's tips didn't help me break the skunk, but today was great, I caught them on everything I threw at them, even things I didn't expect would work... Fish were on top of the water column so just use regular mono and go out about 50-70' and get ready... Water is up 20' since my last trip to the pond in September, I was amazed how much it has filled... Oh I was trolling about 1.2-1.4 mph, but the other guys were trolling a lot faster than I was and they were catching a lot of fish too... I think there were ten boats there when we left and lots of bank tanglers, but it didn't seem crowded at all... If your looking for one last fun fish before the cold give it a try tomorrow... Later J
PS... You've seen freddies so I didn't post up any pictures... I might later from my phone... J
Here's a pic or two. J
Skunked, we had the same experience last Saturday. Going back today. C FISHER wants to get his youngest son into some fish.

Good luck and have fun, it should be a fun time. Be there between 9-noon for sure. 10 was the magic hour. Later J
[#0000FF]Glad you were able to recover some of your confidence...and catch some fish. Willard was kinda tough on ya.

A good example of the old saying "You gotta taste the bitter to appreciate the sweet."
SA, it was excellent when arrived at 9 until 11 then it went completely dead for a couple hours. By 1, it started to pickup and we stuck another half dozen by 2. If I counted right, our total was 38 for the day.

Hey Pat thanks, yup it was great to get after the trout that like me better. Or at least they are more active this time of year. Fun times anyway. Glad to get the chance to fish with ya again. J
Very good that sounds like a great day. Did your nephew have fun? Glad you got in on the fast action. Later J
Young fella had a blast. Good time/place to get a kid on the water.
Wonderful that's one of those lifetime memory trips that will make him addicted to it later on. That's great!!! J