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I haven't been up all year, so I was wondering if there is any water this year? and if the fishing is any good this year? Like to take an ice trip up that way so I can take my nephews fishing halfway between where they live and where I do.... It's a good spot to split the difference and hopefully catch a few fish between us... Thanks J
There was water up there when I fished it the beginning of October. I know they supposedly stop watering the end of August, so I would imagine that the water level has actually go up from when I was there. Compared to some years, the water level wasn't too bad.

As for the catch rate, let's just say my trip up in October was my last. It wasn't worth the drive for the handful of fish that I caught. At the same time, that could have just been the day and I'm sure the later you get into the fall the better. At the same time, two years ago, the fishing wasn't great in the fall and I have two fantastic ice fishing trips there that winter. SO you never know.

Best of luck.
As of yesterday day 11-27-2016 the reservoir was totally open. No ice. They close the dam off around October when irrigation ends. The levels are pretty typical right now..
Thank you for the info. Hyrum was down as low as I remember seeing it in September but the fall rains have really helped so I hope Chesterfield has done as well. Thanks again J
Thanks Jeremy, I expect this week will probably put some ice in place up there since it's starting to freeze down here in Benson and I know it's colder up there. Maybe next week or the week after. Good luck and maybe later in the year I'll be up to visit. What is Twin like this year? Did they still stock it, or with no boats and the privitizing has it kind of been forgotten? Thanks for the info. J
I went to twin one time this year. Spent most of my year in the rivers and creeks. I have no information on twin. I plan on hitting the ice this season a few times hopefully. I only went twice last season the river has had me pulled in pretty tight.. been trying to become efficient on the fly. So have spent a most of my time with that.

If this cold weather stays around I'm sure it will cap soon. I know a couple smaller places have capped recently.
They stocked it in the spring with 3,600. A little less than previous years. :-)

Here is the stocking page: [url ""][/url]
Thanks Jeremy for the update... hard to be everywhere... Later J
Thanks Cindy,
Do you know if they are letting people in to ice fish? If so I assume the fee applies in the winter as well? I'll have to watch for ice and maybe consider a winter trip this year... We used to fish Condie years ago with my Dad when I was a kid and we had so much fun riding the sled into there and fishing, went on a crazy blizzard day and it was on fire, we caught so many fish that trip, it's what I always remember when I think of good ice fishing... About died on the way out in the white out so we ran into a straight up bank at too fast of speed, but we were okay after we picked ourselves up and got the sled unstuck.. Anyway thanks for the info... J
I really don't know. I haven't been there for a couple of years.

In the past they got rid of the fee when the camp overseers left in the late fall. I would assume that would still be the same.
I miss ice fishing condie when I was a kid we did the same thing sled in and hike out whining the whole way back. I remember catching lots of really nice trout then. Before they killed it off in the 90's
Thank you. J
Yup that was fun, we were on snowmobiles and the trout were hungry it was fun times. Thanks for your help. J
Jeremy do you have any word on chesterfield? Would like to come up but a 3. Hr drive is not fun to find thee is not enough ice to fish.

Thanks for any info.
I'll be up in that area bird hunting tomorrow I'll swing and look and report back.
Never made it to chesterfield but, it was poring rain today all around it.
Thanks. I guess we will wait for colder weather.
Has there been any updates on Chesterfield? Has the road blown in? I'd think it is fishable by now, just haven't heard any chatter.
That usually means it's fishing well if no one is saying anything... I know the lower warmer areas have ice now... Heard Twin was ice fishing so I'm pretty sure Chesterfield is fishing from the ice now... Can't answer about the snow up that way, but Cache Valley to the south of it doesn't have much snow yet.... J