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Full Version: Is the DNR going to poison Treasureton
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I had heard a rumor that the Idaho Fish and Game is going to kill Treasureton to Get rid of the Bass. Anyone know anything about that? We fished it today and caught some big fish. The biggest was 7.1 lbs. All caught on 3" Maniac Minnows in Changeable Craw.
Wish I could get them to work for me.
I didn't know you could have boats on there ?
Nice fish!

How many bass did you catch?
I only caught four Bass. Probably because the cold conditions.
When you fish a Maniac minnow, just remember a slow retrieve is the key to catching fish on any swim bait style lure. All you need to do is find the color that they react to that day, and it's game on. We fish these lures on small jig heads in 1/16, 1/8 oz that we designed. Pick up some Maniac swim heads next time.
According to the current 2016-18 Fishing brochure the only no boat reservoir listed in the Southeast Region is Weston. There are several others with motor restrictions.
Their plan is to yes! They have been moving the bass into some of the ponds around Preston slowly. They killed off Hawkins this fall due to bass being bucket planted. They said treasureton is next on the list. Probably be late fall when they do it next year.
Thanks Jeremy
Curious if this was told to you recently. I guess this has been a subject of discussion for many many years. I talked to . . . I don't know what you even call them . . .fish and game staff. Whatever it is I called and talked with the individual over that particular area/lake (I don't remember his name). Anyway, he said the same thing that they had talked about it but at the time were stocking many tagged fish to determine the growth rate for some time and then they would consider a kill off. I've caught two tagged fish there this fall and have a hard time believing that they would do that only to kill it a year later.

Anyway, curious, it sounds as if you have additional information.
Those Treasureton fish can be hard to catch. There are some big ones in there, but you for sure have to put in some time. I do have to say this fall has been a lot harder to land a bigger fish than the last few years. I do think that it's partly do to the pressure. I've fish the lake for many years now and with the exception of this year you could go and generally have only a couple of people there. This fall . . . wow . . .Other lakes must suck right now because there has been a lot of people. I've gone and have had a dozen tubers and close to a dozen boats. As you know the lake isn't that big for that kind of pressure. I've thought a couple of times this fall that maybe I accidentally went to Chesterfield when it was fishing well. Oh well. Hope you have more luck next time.
The information I have come from the region biologists. With that said they have lied to me before. Most of them are pretty good guys though.

Any way, like you said doesn't make much sense to kill a year after they stock a tagged fish. But with that said they killed Hawkins the same year they put tagged fish in. This fall to be specific.
Very good point about Hawkins. I guess time will tell. Thanks for the response.