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Any body been up to Ririe-Juniper area to check out the Ice condition?

Fished Henry's yesterday with no luck. We didn't even see a fish. Possible two on the screen but didn't bite. Twelve inches of ice at the state park. Four groups only and three groups didn't even see fish. One group had snow machines and went over by the butte.

Can't wait for the kokanee fishing season to begin.
I have heard that Henry's has slowed a bit. I wonder if it was because the ice came on so late and the fish were already starting to go a little dormant.

Ririe might still be a good week or two of cold weather away. I'm hoping we get a hard deck by Christmas time, but sometimes it feels like it is a lot later than that some years. Cold temps in the forecast though.
On Facebook there was a post from a guy that did real well on Ashton Resivior. He said 6" of ice two days ago .
I've never fished Ashton Reservoir. I've always been nervous for the ice, but if there is 6 inches that is plenty. Do they catch a lot of size?
The ones in the pictures looked to be 2 to 3 pounds. I have never fished it either. I asked where he accessed, He didn't answer back .
Conditions change so fast on Ashton. There's a good current under the ice. The fish are generally planter size. I stopped by to take a look yesterday. I wasn't going to chance it alone. Access is on the west side. Cross the Ora bridge and head north by the power dam.
Thanks for the information. I fish Henry's till it closes . Then move over to Island Park Resivior.
Checked it on 12-19. Not even a bit of crust around the edges.
Thanks for the report. Just got to wait patiently.
Last year we started ice fishing on Ririe on Dec. 27th which was the earliest that we have ever fished it. It generally freezes over between Jan 5 to Jan 10 and will probably be that time again.

The core of the lake has to get cold enough to keep the warmer water from "turning over" or coming to the surface. As long as there is steam coming off the top of the lake, it will not freeze over as that shows that it has turned over. The reservoir stopped releasing steam on Dec 23rd this year and with all the snow cooling the top to 32 degrees, several nights of below zero should do it.

I am betting that by January 9, we should be fishing on safe ice.

Any other guesses??????
I didn't mark my calendar when the ice came on, but I do remember that we got two months of ice fishing. So the last day was about the end of February. The weather in the paper looks to be cool enough for ice making.

I'll probably go out and check for ice this week. I've got friends from Illinois that sure would like to get some time on the ice before heading back on Friday. With any luck we can be on it by the end of the week.

Went out yesterday and found the lake wide open. No ice even on the sides. Gotta weight til January.
It's capped! NOT safe only about a half inch at the end of the dock.
Yeah!!! Next week will surely finish the job. The lows are to be in the negative numbers. Fish on.
It's got aboit 2 inches as of tonight. I'm thinking it'll be safe for cautious travel by Wednesday
I'll be out there on 4 inches. Got the Bait and poles all ready. May go out and check on Tuesday. Getting close.

Fish on.
ill most likely be out Tuesday morning looking for some perch. ill be out in a white chevy half ton. the lake had plenty of soft seams but with the lows at night being single digits and the day temps in low teens it'll be sealed up fast! Stay safe everybody
Went out this morning and checked the ice. Only 2 1/2 inches, not enough for me so will give it another day to get another inch or so. Lots of ice cracks with water seeping through. The cold weather will certainly be building ice.

I fished the private mooring slips (2.5 Inches there as well), trying to fish without being on the ice LOL ran into a school of kokanee but had a heck of a time connecting, was mainly looking for a perch or two. Ill probably be out again on Thursday.
Any brave souls out there trying their luck yet? If not now, after the next few days there will be enough ice.