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Full Version: Plan B - Willard 12-14-16
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[#0000FF]Several of us Wasatch Front tanglers had made plans to hit Bear Lake today. But Mama Nature heard about it too early and had time to prepare some snowy roads for us on the way. I know several who changed plans rather than try to become statistics.

I was one of them. Ditto for FatBiker. We opted for taking a (possibly) last tubing shot at try to catch some more of the big perch that have shown up near the north marina.

I launched alone about 8. Air temp 30 and water temp 35. As evidenced by the half frozen marina and the cold water temps it shouldn't take long before we will need an auger to launch. But I have decided to hang up ice fishing. You wouldn't guess that from today. Constant snow falling all morning. And a chilly wind that cut through all my layers. And that cold water really tested my Heat-Holder socks.

Saw a couple of dead baby shad laying on the bottom just off the ramp. And saw some terns picking a few more off the surface as they floated up during the morning. The shadlets were only about 1 1/2" long...remnants of a late spawn that could not get big enough to switch their diet before the cold water dropped the zooplankton numbers.

Watched the sonar as I worked around the edges of the ice inside the harbor...and then back and forth across the open water. About the only evidence of life I saw was a cluster of something back in the northeast about 8 feet of water. I am guessing "moon-mouth" crappies...closed mouths because of the full moon...or whatever excuse might be applicable.

Nary a nibble inside the harbor. Electric motored out to the mouth and started dragging a minnow on one rod while pitching a series of plastics with the other. Nothing on sonar and nothing on either of my rods. But then...a twitch on the minnow rod. No chomp and a kitty. Just a line twitch. I picked up the rod, reeled down a bit and felt faint signs of life. Set the hook into my first fish...a nice 13" porky perch. Looked like the day might turn out okay after all. Looks can be deceiving.

FatBiker came kicking out in his tube about 9:30. He didn't look any warmer than I was feeling. I decided maybe his temporary name might be CoolBiker. Unfortunately, the fishing turned out to be as cold for him as the weather. Skunksville.

I moved around to some of my fave humps and bumps...looking for more perch...or anything else that might get me warmer with some exercise. Saw stray fishy marks here and there...and groups in a few places. But they also had "moon-mouth". I did get a few more whisper bites...almost like ice fishing. And I did stick one more footlong perch. But it was a lot slimmer than the first.

By 11 AM the snow was picking up and the temperature seemed to be going down. The cold apparently had an affect on my sonar battery and it was reading "low voltage". Hmmmph. Wasn't from displaying a lot of fish.

Larry had already gone inside the harbor to try to find some more of the fish he had located while in his boat a couple of days ago. He didn't. I headed in also and just went straight to the ramp. I had overfunned. Crazy golfers, indeed.

Shucks Pat, I never got cold until a looked at the picture you posted of me. Got me shivering and had to take a hot shower. No shame in a Skunk under today's conditions.

[#0000FF]I have always maintained that a skunk is not my fault. I can't help it if inexperienced fish just don't know how to take a bait or lure in a way that hooks them well. Some days a few will make it all the way in. Other days only a few will hit but none will stay hooked. Then there are days like today when they simply forget to open their mouths.

Stupid fish.
Hey Pat thanks for the report. I'd wondered about a whitefish trip this week but seems like I can't find a day when the wind isn't blowing and I can get away. Nice Perch, glad you got some quality for your tough dues. Later J
I don't know if you guys are better men than I am, or hardier men than I am, or crazier men than I am. But I DO know one thing: you sure are colder men than I am.
[#0000FF]There were more fish there to be had...on a better day. But a couple of porky perch is better than a poke in the stick with a sharp eye...or whatever.
[#0000FF]Cold does not equate to "cool".

And I'm the guy who always says "I fish for enjoyment, not endurance." Ha!
I had a day set for Bear L on Thursday but weather changed those plans. Was to meet a friend coming down from Idaho Falls to join me. Going for the gusto again next week hoping MN will grant the Cinderella pass. As long as BL doesn't cap I will continue my assault. Hope to run into some of you folks.
Hay pat it looks like water levels are good, might be a good omen.
I would love to see ice on the South marina side about 300 yards out.
Nice report Pat!

Too bad you didn't brave the drive over here to bear lake (but I don't blame you... the roads are horrible). Two big perch to show for your effort is better than nothing. Good job!

I hit bear lake today with my uncle and we limited out in 3 hours. Also caught 5 big cutts. The smoker will be full tomorrow!

Still catching them are ye Mike? Nice job, Howz the waves been? I'd sure like to catch a few but been terrible for me to find a day that I could stay on the pond long enough to try. Catch ya later J
Are you sure you were at Willard catching nice Perch like that, and not some other "SECRET" honey hole?

I would rather have a cold day of fishing then a comfortable day of working. Thanks for the desk candy I am pretty sure I will not hit any water until I can walk on it this year.
[#0000FF]Most years Willard is at least capped in the harbors by now...and the whole lake by early January...if it is going to go.

Yes, the water levels are definitely higher than the two previous years. The fall rains helped. And the early snowfalls in the hills are worth having optimism for good runoff this year.

Your anticipated ice fishing spot sounds like the new rock piles. True?
[#0000FF]I really wish I had been able to make it to your neck of the woods. I have had 3 trips planned and weather defugalties have kept me away each time. Too bad I have gotten so wimpy in my old age. But then again, erring on the side of caution might keep me around a bit longer. Maybe next week...if the fish hang around.

Heard from a fishing buddy who hit it Tuesday and he said they had pulled out the little docks at the ramps on the east side of the lake. That makes it tough for boats to launch and trailer over there...especially if the breezes kick up. Can you confirm that?
Ya, we're still catching them, but having to work harder for the ones we get. The weather has been a beast this year. One boat was swamped on Monday off of Cisco beach from the waves and even the marina has been rough for waves. Waves are a fact of life on bear Lake, but this year they have definitely been worse during the whitefish spawn.

Oh well, after the perfect weather we have had for the last two spawns it was about time that we had to pay the piper. It's too bad you weren't able to get out here and get more whitefish. They're such a great eating fish that we stock up and use them for the next few months.

[quote Majja]Are you sure you were at Willard catching nice Perch like that, and not some other "SECRET" honey hole? [/quote]

[#0000FF]Believe me, if any of my FORMER secret honey holes were still producing big perch I would probably be there instead of subjecting myself to the abuse at Willard. But as I go down the list of former fave perch ponds I cry real tears. Yuba, Deer Creek, Jordanelle, Pineview, Starvation...all are no longer reliable places to rack up big totals of big perch. Enough to send a perch junkie into violent withdrawals.

Sigh. Sob.
Hey Pat,

They pulled them alright! I can't for the life of me understand why though. For safety's sake you'd think they would have left them in through the is an annual event that attracts lots of anglers. They even anticipate it.

I wouldn't call it being whimpy in your old age, rather I'd call it wisdom! The waves this year have been enough to flip a tube most days and no fish is worth that.

[#0000FF]Do you think it might be a good idea to post a special announcement on the board about the ramps? Might save some anglers from making the trip around to the east side if they know they can't use a dock. Might also save some damage to boats...or worse.

I'd like to think that wisdom comes with age. But I still make a lot of bonehead moves that a guy my age should have the smarts to avoid.

Might be because of my "credo of life" I adopted many long years ago. "Existing is not living. I'm gonna live until I die. If it's living that kills me, so be it."
Now that the state as started removing perch form fish lake it seams like they are starting to get some size to them, to bad it is such a long ass drive up there. I was introduced to the perch late in life, and it pains me i have not put any on my table for a couple of years.
Yup Mike, I'm afraid I missed it this year... Saturday looks like clear weather but colder than all get outs... So I probably won't try it then... Have to hope I find a few on the ice over there after the cisco... thanks for the update... J