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Full Version: ice fishing the 23rd anyone in?
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Not sure where I want to go or if I care.
Anyone is invited and any lake in the Salt Lake area is fair game.
If you could go where would you go?
Any input or opinion is welcome!

Lake Powell!
Don't know about SLC area but Mantua is fish able now. Later J
Salt lake area was a bad choice of words.
Really anywhere north of I-70 is good.
I have never been to mantua.
I would love some advice on where to go at mantua!
I think we're all trying to figure out the good spots right now, it's not a terribly big lake so you can almost walk to the whole lake. I like the south east quadrant but the very south east end is where the creek dumps in and the ice up there is thin so you need to watch that area. Mantua has Bows, perch, bluegill and bass so it's a fun mix for ice fishing. In case you don't know how to get there it's on the highway (89/91) between Brigham and Logan. If you have any other questions let me know. Later J
Is anyone going to be there fishing Friday? I would love to meet up there and at least not fish alone!
I think I'm going to be there or Hyrum you're welcome to join us. Will pass on details as it gets closer. J
Tempting . . .I might just join you guys. I have never fished Mantua (hard or soft water). I have been slowly getting all m y gear ready. I will look forward to more details and see if the wife will let me. Er, um I mean, I will tell my wife I am thinking of making the trip. [:/]
Sounds good, let us know if ya can we'll get ya the details. Later J
I will most likely be there Friday morning. Let me know what time your planning and I'd be happy to meet you there.
echo capped sat .south end has been frozen for a week now. rock port was about 20% sat should have capped last night. 5 below here last night[reply][/reply]