[#0000FF]There have been a lot of times over the years when I have been fishing in nasty weather...rain, sleet, hail or snow...or all of the above. Ditto for ice fishing. And about the time the "enjoyment" gets too intense I have been knowed to clench my teeth and mutter "Crazy golfers".
Saw the pic below in an Internet new item and just had to post it for my fellow fishing masochists' enjoyment.
That fool ain't even wearing a life vest. Don't look like he's got an auger or sonar either. What kinda line do you use on a golf club? And what kinda fish gonna hit a golf ball?
[inline "CRAZY GOLFERS.jpg"]
Nice Pat,
Interesting that its cold enough to freeze over but he's still dressed for playing on a fairly warm day.... Got to be crazy... Bet it probably helped his score though... Later J
[#0000FF]It looks like he does have something covering his face. And he has long sleeves. But he is still likely to get icicles on parts of his anatomy that rhyme with icicles.
On the plus side...no 'gators, snakes or skeeters. Probably not a lot of old duffers wanting to play through either.
Good call, might even get discount rates that time of year... Later J
The ball is still in a hazard, so he can't ground his club. I hope he doesn't get a nasty surprise when he takes a divot...
Hey, ...... Anything to avoid a penalty stroke.
Might need to go to the pro shop and buy a ice wedge... ice pick... ice axe?
[url "http://www.golf.com/extra-spin/watch-mans-shot-frozen-hazard-goes-terribly-wrong"]http://www.golf.com/...-goes-terribly-wrong[/url]
watch the video for the rest of the story, scroll down to see the video
Watch the video! It's good!
[#0000FF]CO-O-O-O-O-OL. Really.
Crazy golfers.
Ice golf is very difficult. Don't be so tough on the crazies. If you don't get a hole in one, you never find your ball because of the bounce. White balls are for grass, orange balls are needed in the snow and ice.
[#0000FF]Sounds like you are experienced.
I won't ask where or how...or how about playing with ice-covered blue ones. Minds the boggle.
This video is the Darwin theory at its finest!