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Am I crazy for paying the day use fee at a State Park during the winter? I know the facilities are closed and winterized but I still pay it. What do y'all do? (I know the best answer is, get a state parks pass and you don't have to worry...)
Do I not recall reading the words "Year round" on the entrance fee board? I'm pretty sure I do.
I know at Hyrum they still expect you to pay and have a patrol that will write you up if you didn't pay... If you didn't have to pay now, I'd probably not get an annual pass because in the summer when the crowds are thick I try to avoid fishing those areas... so I'd never get my moneys worth out of the pass... I think I only hit a state park maybe four times all summer and twice was for water skiing... But winter time I get my money worth out of the tags because I can go for an hour and leave and not feel like I wasted my money... Later J
I've never even noticed that Rocky. I just look for what the day use fee is, fill out the envelope with some cash, and feed it to the iron ranger. I suppose the reason I ask is on more than one occasion, I've gotten dirty looks from folks because I stopped paid. They had to wait a minute or two for me to fill out the envelope and drop it in the ranger. I even had a guy ask me once what I was doing. I told him I was paying the fee and he claimed no one cared about that during the winter. I told him it was better to be safe than sorry and I think it was a whopping 7 bucks too.

I'll be sure to look at what the signage says next time. Take it easy.
You are not crazy, you have to pay even in the winter. I have seen many people get tickets for not paying in the winter season. I don't fish at every state park lake but I assume its the same. I know the price is different for each state park but if you plan on going fishing at state park lakes 10 times or more a year you should really just buy a pass.
[quote Jeremypalms]You are not crazy[/quote]

I didn't think I was. Yeah I may get a pass next year. I'm finding that I hit more and more parks these days and I would get my money out of the pass.
It's just my old pilot training kicking in: "Read ALL of the instructions."

It pays off, sometimes. The fine print occasionally has exceptions, such as for seniors, or veterans, or left-handed blue-eyed chub draggers.
[quote RockyRaab]It's just my old pilot training kicking in: "Read ALL of the instructions."

It pays off, sometimes. The fine print occasionally has exceptions, such as for seniors, or veterans, or left-handed blue-eyed chub draggers.[/quote]

I like it! [laugh][laugh]
"left-handed blue-eyed chub draggers."

[#0000FF]Sounds like either an exotic bird species or a new rock band.

Now yer gettin' pers'nal.
[#0000FF]Some parks have "seasonal adjustments" on their fees...but almost all have signs proclaiming "Year round fee area". And this is on the website for Willard Bay. Others are probably similar.

Park Fees
[url ""]Purchase your Parks Pass[/url]

Willard Bay Fee Schedule (October 1-April 30)
Vehicle Weekday (Monday through Thursday) $10.00
Vehicle Weekend Friday/Saturday/Sunday & Holiday : $10.00
Senior Weekday (Monday through Thursday) $5.00
Senior Weekend Friday/Saturday/Sunday & Holiday $5.00
Park pass tip: they start the month you buy it so if you bought one today you would lose the first 20 days, i.e. It would be good for 11 months and 10 days. If you buy it on the first day of any month it's good for 365 days.
Wrong. The pass is good until the end of the month that is punched on the pass. So if you bought one now it would be good till the end of December 2017. Basically you can get thirteen months of use out of a pass if you buy it at the first of the month. Then wait for the next month to start and start the hole process over again.
I believe you should be able to use any State Park that has a boat ramp if you show you have a current boat registration.
I know, crazy talk.....
If you but it now your right it's go for 12 months and 11 days. But if you but it on the first day of the month then it's good for 13 months
Strawberry is the only lake that ive seen them cover up the fee box. But that isnt a state Park. I always purchase the year long pass so i dont bither looking at the fee's for the parks its good at
A couple years ago we ice fished Yuba at the painted rocks state park and I just happened to put my park pass up in my rear view mirror and I'm sure glad I did. All the happy fisherman that did not have payment of some form posted in there dash area had a bright orange ticket under their windshield wiper blade. It makes for a downer day
I generally pay at every park, but this year, I am going to purchase an annual pass. $35 is pretty cheap and beats a ticket. Guess it pays to get to Senior Status.