01-03-2017, 10:00 AM
<br /> So me and some buddies decided to have a little TX today between all of us. I figured there would be some fog, and there was a ton of fog on the lake when we got to the ramp. It definitely affected my game plan a bit. First few spots we hit were a bust, and the current was really pulling, so we went to a spot I know some big ones have been hanging out. A few cast later I hook into a monster on the rig. Fought that thing close to the boat and all the sudden the tug was gone! I reeled my line up and the arm that the fish was hooked on broke off! I couldn&#39;t believe it. haha So we jump around cautiously catching a couple shorts and some white bass. Well by this time somehow it&#39;s already 12:30 and we don&#39;t have a keeper. So we made a run to another spot and there was a few there. We both caught a keeper and each lost a keeper when the fish spit out the shakeyhead. At this point we have two fish for about 6lbs. We run to another spot and I notice a Juvenile Bald Eagle which Sam had never seen before. Well then we saw another and another and another. It was Nuts!! In that one area we counted 10 Bald and Juvenile Bald Eagles. Last year I had an encounter With 9 bald eagles coming down from a strong storm and that was the most I had ever seen together. So we literally stop fishing and waste an entire hour watching these birds! <br /> We finally decided to get back to filling our limit and make another move. We get to the next spot and to our amazement there are 4 more bald and juvenile bald eagles. Couldn&#39;t even believe it! They weren&#39;t spooky at all. I&#39;m not sure if the fog had something to do with it or not but it was just awesome. Ok so back to the fish. I pull out the jerk bait and we fished up a bank and on my last cast before moving to our next spot I got hung up on a rock. Well that rock started fighting me and after a good fight we got the fish in the boat and it was 6.4lbs. It was the biggest fish I have caught on a Jerkbait so that was cool. I got another keeper after that and we ended up with almost 15lbs. It was good enough to win. Cool thing was it was winner take all, so Sam got him a little gas money for a couple weeks! The guy in second brought in the biggest bass and it was just under 8lbs. It&#39;s amazing how many bald eagles are around the lake now. The Juvenile Balds have such a beautiful color. For a long time I thought they were Golden eagles when I first saw 2 of them together last year. I&#39;ll post a pic of what the Juvenile Balds look like in case any of you guys come across them. I&#39;m telling you we are so blessed to be able to live in a free country and be able to worship The Lord and enjoy the great things he has left for us here on earth!