01-07-2017, 10:00 AM
we went to the river park yesterday morning and got there before daylight. We were the only boat there. We fished until around lunch time and never saw another boat on the River. The air temp when we put in was 34 and when we took the boat out it was 37. We were using live shiners and caught about 15 fish with the largest being a 3lb small mouth and 2 spotted bass around 3 lbs each. They were really generating strong and the water level was up a good bit and the water temp was 46-47. The fish were biting pretty good till they cut back on generation and the water dropped then couldn't buy a bite. We did catch a 14" sauger up close to the dam and I was trying my best to stretch him but he just wouldn't make it. It was a really good day of fishing and had plenty of solitude.