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Full Version: Prayers sure would be helpful
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I hope this isn't inappropriate for this forum and it isn't meant to be offensive to folks who have different beliefs or non-believers.

But our tiny community has a fine young family who are having a terrible time with a cancer diagnosis for their daughter. She is 12 and has bone cancer in her knee. It is very aggressive and will require a lot of surgery and chemo. Could you all please keep the Lauti family is your prayers and thoughts as they battle this? It has come right out of the blue as she has been healthy until last week when she began having knee pain. She is a wonderful young lady that is always smiling and a joy to be around. I would sure appreciate your help. Thanks a million. Collectively, we can help her beat this!!!!

News like this sure puts life into perspective. It makes things we may argue over or spend too much time worrying about seem pretty small in comparison.
I deeply offer prayers and support. My mom a couple of years ago was diagnosed with breast cancer. They found it while it was still in stage 1. In today's world if you catch it early enough there is almost a guarentee that it will be able to be treated. It's harder but if it's caught in later stages, there is still hope. It sounds like the Lauti family member recently was diagnosed it so there is great hope. Her energy level might be a little bit low for a bit after treatment but she likely won't need chemo since they caught it so early.
Bovineowner, is there a method of helping with medical or other associated costs? If nothing else, I'd like to send a pre-paid Maverik gas card to help with travel expenses.

Fatbiker that is a great question and a very kind offer. I will do some checking to see if they have a way we could help them financially and report back. You are a fine man and your generosity brought a tear to me eye this morning. My hat is off to you sir!!!

Thanks to all of ya, who have offered thoughts and encouragement and prayer.