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Has anyone been out to East Canyon? Wanted to hit it tomorrow. But don't want a wasted trip. Also wonder if a 2 wheel drive car will be able to make it up? Thanks in advance.
No reason why you can't make it up, they plow the road from Morgan to EC and from Henifer to EC. I'd be more worried about getting on the ice once I'm there. With all the rain we received this week, the water levels have been raising at all lakes. Might be safer to bring a plank.
I went there on Friday morning. Roads are clear. Edge at the boat ramp was a bit sketchy getting on/off but was able to do so without a plank. When getting on, broke through the first 2' (about 6" water) then OK. Getting off, my friend tried a different place and went in up to his knees, I went where we came in at and didn't even break through. Catching wasn't too fast; about 13 between the 2 of us in 3 hours. Plantars, not too big. Did best in about 17-25' of water. Very light bite, usually only got one chance then they would move on.