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How To Cast Plugs At Night From Shore! - Printable Version

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How To Cast Plugs At Night From Shore! - ScubaChris - 01-10-2018

How To Cast Plugs At Night FromThe Shoreline!

When i go out at night it can be dangerous. Besides not seeing what you're doing i also don't want to get stabbed by my hooks to watching my footing on slippery boulders to transversing lava flows. I try to limit what i'm actually carrying & will pre-fabricate everything ahead of time from leaders to lures.

So when i go plug popping i use my smaller lighter lures. I use a universal monofilament leadering system for all my loose plugs to make it easier & safer. And i try to stay away from trebles, i tend to favor single & trailer assist hooks. Why? Try to fight fish at night with sharp trebles to releasing those thrashing fish without stabbing yourself. Not fun. I use trebles for my larger lures & i pinch the barbs in to make them barbless. You may hook fish easier using trebles but with 2 sets of singles the lures "pop" nicer & the fish you C&R have less hook damage.

I use Hammer Bombs as my cast assist delivery. You can use lead heavy to surface "leadless" to glowing & flashing balls for nocturnal use. And as the name implies they can take a hammer blow & still function. I'll show how i combine the Hammer Bombs to my lures for easy swapping, even at night. I use a AO Insulated Backpack & a fanny pack for my gear, food, ice & personals. My hands only hold my fishing rod (if i use my rod holder on my fanny pack belt i don't even need my hands).

This system WORKS. If you're casting plugs, grubs, or baits it's a proven way to cast at night.