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wiper - strawberryquest - 06-06-2018

I was just wondering, does the wiper fishing pick up as it gets warmer? Is the morning or evening better? I have fished the south marina, freeway bay 3 times caught 2 catfish and 2 carp on mussels, but no wipers. I was wondering how the east beach or north dike would be? Thanks

Re: [strawberryquest] wiper - wiperhunter2 - 06-07-2018

Have you tried the SW corner? As hot as it is, you should be able to catch them now but I can't tell you what time of the day is best for fishing from shore. I don't think the South marina is the best place to try when it's hot but a lot of folks fish the inlet before it gets too hot. Where is the East bench? The North dike was good a week ago but I wasn't fishing from shore.

Re: [wiperhunter2] wiper - strawberryquest - 06-07-2018

I meant the east beach by the freeway. Thanks for the advice, just trying to figure things out a little bit.

Re: [strawberryquest] wiper - SkunkedAgain - 06-07-2018

I'm not a very good wiper guy, but my experience with them shows they move around a lot and just cause you find them in a spot one trip doesn't mean they will be there next time... However, they seem to be roamers too, so they are a fish that will come to you if you're in the right spot and wait... Problem is I have know idea what the right spot is, so I usually try moving to go to them and cross paths... I've done okay off the rocks in Freeway bay or near the south marina towards the hog farm and up north on the north dike, but I've also got skunked in most of those spots too, so one day may be good and the next maybe not... Watch the reports on here and if they say where they are catching them, they may or may not be there the next day... Fish move a lot when they are hungry and chasing food.. One day you'll cross paths and have a great fight, be ready and hang on to your pole... Good luck... Oh and PS... they usually hang out in groups so if you catch one, cast back out as soon as you can and see if you can find some of its buddies... Later J

Re: [strawberryquest] wiper - wiperhunter2 - 06-07-2018

[quote strawberryquest]I meant the east beach by the freeway. Thanks for the advice, just trying to figure things out a little bit.[/quote]
Freeway bay is the place you call the East bench. Sometimes it all about the day you hit a certain area, it might be hot one day but not so much the next day. Also, one day the catching might be good in the morning but the next time you go it might be in the evening, so you never know. I've even done good in the middle of the day.

Re: [wiperhunter2] wiper - RockyRaab - 06-07-2018

About the only sure thing you can say about Willard wipers is that they'll be inside the dikes. Beyond that, they can show up almost anywhere at any time, and hit almost anything.

I've caught them inside the north marina on tiny crappie jigs. I've caught them dragging big swimbaits along the bottom for walleye, and I've caught them trolling crankbaits of all kinds. The one thing I have never done is to soak mussels.

If you soak mussels, always tether your rod. Because sooner or later, a wiper is going to hit like a runaway dump truck and your rod will join countless others on the bottom of Willard.

Re: [RockyRaab] wiper - wiperhunter2 - 06-07-2018

You are telling the truth with that statement Rocky.

Re: [RockyRaab] wiper - strawberryquest - 06-07-2018

Thanks everyone for your input. I am new to the wiper game and just trying to figure this out. I wasn't sure if I was doing something wrong. I can see after your responses it's just be in the right place at the right time.

Re: [strawberryquest] wiper - Tin-Can - 06-08-2018

"I wasn't sure if I was doing something wrong."

Have fished Willard for 14 years now. The one for sure thing I have learned......what was right today may not (probably not) be right tomorrow. And the lure or tactic you have laughed at because your wife said it, is the one that lets her out fish you tomorrow.......[sly]

Re: [strawberryquest] wiper - Springbuck - 06-09-2018

My limited experience was telling me that wiper fishing from shore got harder once the real heat sets in, and that early mornings were best starting about now.

But, as they say Willard is a fickle place, and I'm positive my sample is too small to take as gospel.