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Lincoln 6/14 - Printable Version

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Lincoln 6/14 - catchinon - 06-15-2018

I received a couple to new reels today and couldn't wait to try them out. Went out to try the L for the first time. Nothing doing. I sat and watched the pelicans sit and watch me from their perches on the Cat House. Nary a nibble. I tried old cut white bass, chicken chunks, and shrimp/worm combo. At least I wasn't cold [Wink]. Figured I could spend my time better getting oriented. Located Mulberry Beach but didn't fish it.

I went back to the harbor and tried the channel as evening came on. I caught several bullheads and a couple of white bass on shrimp/worms. So now I have fresh cut bait, yay! Nothing was interested in the strawberry/garlic hot dog or chicken. But when I lobbed out a chicken liver cradled in a treble hook a bullhead slammed it instantly. That was about sundown and the end of the bite.

When I was packing up to leave after dark a large boat, LARGE boat, came into the harbor towing a regular-sized boat with a family aboard. The tow boat was evidently from the sheriff's office and had been dispatched to rescue the boaters who had gotten a rope wound in their propeller. I provided light with my pickup so they could load by hand. Interesting end to everybody's day.

Re: [catchinon] Lincoln 6/14 - Mooseman75 - 06-15-2018

I went out wit Dellon, my oldest son around 930 am -1045 am and picked up 5 bullhead and 2 channel. It was fun. He’s the handicapped boy and most of the time don’t want to go but he was eager and wanting and it was a very fun trip.when school got out the rest of us went pull canyon community pond and we caught 5 trout. So needless to say House was fishy smelly for dinner and mom was not amused lol but a great day. I almost went out there in the evening and I should have so I could have joined forces with you again.
Great reading that your getting experience and learning new spots and tricks to try. Eventually something will work and it will be hay day.

Re: [catchinon] Lincoln 6/14 - Tin-Can - 06-15-2018

Weather front moving in. I think Catfish are some of the most reactive fish in UL when the weather starts changing.

Re: [catchinon] Lincoln 6/14 - fish_fear_me2 - 06-15-2018

Sorry the fish weren't more cooperative but thats fishing. At least you got out .

Re: [Tin-Can] Lincoln 6/14 - Springbuck - 06-15-2018

That's interesting. I hadn't actually processed it that way in my head, but I have always considered them fickle in the spring when the weather is likewise fickle.

I always tied it more to rising and falling temps in the shallows than the actual fronts, but I guess barometric change makes as much sense.

Re: [fish_fear_me2] Lincoln 6/14 - catchinon - 06-15-2018

As I said before, a slow day or skunk just means you have a hot day coming to balance it out. The weather looks really good next week. Maybe we could get together and you can teach me how you catch the bigguns.