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Small cats North to South - Fishnotcatch - 06-30-2018

Thursday night my wife and I headed over to Benson Marina area and got to exercise the casting arm a bit. Didn't do too much catching though, just pulled in some of the dang mudcats that I can't seem to stay away from this year. Last year I seemed to key in much more on just the channels so I don't know what changed but it seems something did.
On Friday I found myself near the Jordan River and Utah lake so i decided to pick up some worms and give it a go. Caught my smallest fish of the year, my wife laughed at me as I took the photo, somehow she always catches better fish than me. We pulled in five or six small channels, all around a foot. Not the night we were hoping for but still fun and better than a skunk.
I need to get into some bigger fish I'm starting to get nervous I forgot how to catch them. Anyways here's the photo of my wife laughing at me.

Re: [Fishnotcatch] Small cats North to South - catchinon - 07-01-2018

A couple of thoughts:

1. Bullheads seem to like worms better than channels do.

2. Try to catch some white bass and cut them into sections that small fish can't get in their mouths. Large bait = large fish sometimes holds true.

Good luck. I'm still trying to catch some bigger ones too.

Re: [Fishnotcatch] Small cats North to South - SkunkedAgain - 07-02-2018

You're not alone, I did a night trip Friday and an evening trip Saturday and actually got skunked Saturday while my FIL got two mini channels that I'm surprised could get hooked since they were so small. I did better Friday and I think I caught 8 fish with a pair in the mid twenties, but most were smaller fish. Time of day was key that trip, I got fish from 9:30 to 2:30 when I ran out of bait. Gorgeous full moon night and you can still see daylight up to 11:15 ish.

Don't believe the big bait big fish line, sometimes it means no fish and constant pestering from the small fish. Also the cut bait won't stop the mudcats. It's just the time of year now, it's the doldrums of catfish season. Cutler is definitely not on fire, but with enough time and patience you can get a few average fish. Lot of kittens around this year and they seem to be everywhere. I'm still looking for the secret to summer Cattin but it's not as easy as the spring fling that's for sure. Good luck. J

Re: [catchinon] Small cats North to South - Tin-Can - 07-02-2018

Quote:Thursday night my wife and I headed over to Benson Marina area and got to exercise the casting arm a bit. Didn't do too much catching though, just pulled in some of the dang mudcats that I can't seem to stay away from this year.

Since "Fishnotcatch" was relating from a trip to Benson Marina, I doubt White Bass would be an option. I don't think there are any in Cutler / Benson and if my old memory is correct, cut white bass as bait is only legal in Utah Lake, I think. [Wink]

Re: [Tin-Can] Small cats North to South - catchinon - 07-02-2018

"On Friday I found myself near the Jordan River and Utah lake so i decided to pick up some worms and give it a go."

That's the part of his post I was responding to. I don't know much yet but I have learned to switch bait when one is not working. And no one was responding at all; I hate that -- makes you feel like nobody cares. [Smile]