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STAY OUT OF FISH LAKE! - Printable Version

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STAY OUT OF FISH LAKE! - SBennett - 07-30-2018

One of these might get you.....

Re: [SBennett] STAY OUT OF FISH LAKE! - stan55 - 07-31-2018

And those teeth are triangled shaped so you will bleed for a very long time. I have been chomped more than once by muskies and pike while trying to unhook them. No I did not try to lip 'em. They saw my hand and went for it.

Re: [stan55] STAY OUT OF FISH LAKE! - Saltslam - 07-31-2018

I have a friend who has caught a couple of those in the past at fish lake. They look like they could sure do some damage!

Re: [SBennett] STAY OUT OF FISH LAKE! - Lipnrip - 07-31-2018

Are they coming from upstream Johnson Reservoir or did the DWR plant them to eat up some perch.

Re: [Lipnrip] STAY OUT OF FISH LAKE! - SBennett - 07-31-2018

Not 100% sure but I believe the first came from Johnson and then the decision was made to plant a few for perch control.