The Bunny Is Gone!!! - Printable Version +- Fishing Forum ( +-- Forum: Freshwater Fishing Forum ( +--- Forum: Freshwater Fishing General ( +--- Thread: The Bunny Is Gone!!! (/showthread.php?tid=10507) |
The Bunny Is Gone!!! - ssor - 03-31-2002 The bunny is gone. But the memorys will last forever! After we ate the three of us headed to the pond, a little chilly but dry. I got the zebco 202 baited up and handed it to my granddaughter and started to set up the little bambo for her little brother. Before I finnished I had to stop three times to unhook bluegills. finaly gave Bubby his pole and started removing the forth gill when I had to stop and catch Bubby before he went in the drink. His first time to fish and he got hooked into a 3 1/2lb yellow belly cat that just about pulled him in. We had a blast today and I have davetclown to thank.<br>When it started to drizzle we called it a day.<br>In three hours we ( the grandchildren that is) landed 43 gills, 1--3 1/2lb cat and one small mouth around 1lb. Not bad on 8 small crallers. The cat is in the freezer and all the others are back in the pond.<br>Thanks Dave for the advice. The first time I have been out this year, and probly will be the best day I will have this year. The memorys from this day will last forever.<br><br>Texas Gulf Coast Fisher. Re: The Bunny Is Gone!!! - davetclown - 03-31-2002 These are the days that memories are made of.<br>thats some mighty fine fishing ssor.<br><br>you gotta love those zebco 202's for weening the litlens on fishing. saves on the labor and you can enjoy the day.<br><br>I remember getting pulled in to my knees on one of my first fishing trips with my dad.<br><br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A> <br>Lookie See what the kids are up to.<br>Dave T. Clown Re: The Bunny Is Gone!!! - ssor - 03-31-2002 If it had not been for you telling me to go for it I would have missed the chance of a life time with the little ones. I spent about an hour yesterday getting the 202 ready. Some lube and new line had it ready to go. Might be called cheep fishing gear but I think for teaching and learning thy are great. I never got my garcia in the water but it did not matter as the grandchildren kept us all screeming and smiling. It truly was a time to remember. All the catching was from them I was just the helper this time.(ages 4 1/2, 5 1/2) they are the ones to get the credit on the fine fishing, not me!<br><br>Texas Gulf Coast Fisher. Re: The Bunny Is Gone!!! - davetclown - 03-31-2002 thanks for the kind words.<br>did you get any pic's?<br><br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A> <br>Lookie See what the kids are up to.<br>Dave T. Clown Re: The Bunny Is Gone!!! - ssor - 04-01-2002 Still trying to get my computer to recognise the new camera I got about a month ago. My wife filled it with pic's when we got a new litter of weener dogs and I have been trying to get them on the computer so I can take new pic's. I promise to get some the next outing we have.<br><br>Texas Gulf Coast Fisher. Re: The Bunny Is Gone!!! - ssor - 04-01-2002 No reason to be jealous. I should be the one to be jealous as you already have over twenty years of unforgetable memorys. I was not around my children as they grew up as my work caused me to travel alot. So I silently am showing them and I what we have missed. I'm glad to be given the opertunity with my grandchildren. <br>Don't stop with your daughter as that will be your first sign that you are old. As long as you continue the fishing trips with her, she will keep you young. That trip to the pond shure made me feel alot younger.<br>And by the way, If you register I will know who I am replying to! Regitering shure does have a lot of advantages.<br><br>Texas Gulf Coast Fisher. Re: The Bunny Is Gone!!! - theangler - 04-02-2002 Hello ssor,<br>Now thats what I call one incredible Day! 43 Bluegills, you know you'll be a hero at school when they go tell thier friends about thier Easter. Congratulations glad to hear you had so much fun!<br><br>[laugh] How about a good laugh?<br><A HREF=" " target="_new"> </A> <br><br>Mike H Re: The Bunny Is Gone!!! - ssor - 04-02-2002 Got a call from my daughter today. My grandchildren will not talk about any thing but their trip to the pond with grandpa. They both have what it takes to be hooked for life. Made arangements with her to let me have them for 2-3 weeks this summer. I may have to cut it shorter or they might not want to go back home. I truly love being the one that they look up to. If I can keep that statice for the next 12-15 years then they might survive the coruption that they have to go through in the public schools.<br><br>Texas Gulf Coast Fisher. Re: The Bunny Is Gone!!! - ChrisP - 04-02-2002 way ta go ssor!....U R my HERO!.....Luv ta hear bout sum1 put`n SMILEs on lil 1`s.....U not only hav a MEMory ta remember,them lil`uns will never 4git.....Bsafe!<br><br> Re: The Bunny Is Gone!!! - ssor - 04-02-2002 ChrisP,<br> I did not expect so mush responce from my short report. I was just wanting to show others that helping the little ones is not a chore. It is an experiance that will be charished by all for the rest or their life. I do know this, The young ones love to learn new things. So if we teach things that are fun and good, It might help reduce the time for learning undesired things. If enough of this is done, it will have a substancial impact on sociaty.<br> " and now you have the rest of the story"<br><br>Texas Gulf Coast Fisher. Re: The Bunny Is Gone!!! - ChrisP - 04-03-2002 10-4....i`m with wood B a BLESS`n if ALL parents took ta tyme 2 spend QUALITY TYME with their young` don`t hav ta B just fish`n it kin B anything,bowl`n, putt-putt,games,catch....just a lil bit of that QUALITY TYME go`s along way....sum of these kid`s nowAdays just don`t no how easy they got it,n with all da SCARE of HRS git`n down sum1`s butt 4 spank`n da kids...n sum kids use it 2 their ant da kids i wanna jerk up by da head of hair when i C how sum of them act,it`s da PARENTs....when i was come`n up Buddy if i did sumpin u were`nt suppose ta B dew`n u got your ace mouth bac=i got popped N mouth....dew sumpin i new was wrong=i had ta go cut my own switch,n u better not come bac with no flimsy 1 neither.....hail they don`t even PADDLE `em N school now=WRONG!.....1 of mine tried that crap on me once,after he got a whoop`n he said "well i`ll tell"...i cut him off there n asked "why?"....."well cause that HURT" is what he said....i said "DA".....i told him i`d go Nside n dial da number 4 him if that`s what he wanted ta dew....i told him i`ll C ya when ya git that puzzled look frum him then.....i C 2 many kids run over da parents,sumpin i don`t let mine dew....sorry i got carried away with this.......Bsafe!.......<br><br> Re: The Bunny Is Gone!!! - ssor - 04-03-2002 ChrisP, <br> In my book you can never cover this subject enough. It is somthing that needs to be said. I truly beleve in what you say. In short terms: give the control back to the parents, and change the laws so the parents that will not take control of the children would be charged for neglect! I am almost 45 and I still remember my trips to the corn crib. At a young age I thought that I hated my parents and now I Thank them for the control That they had. I have 5 children and only one is finaly old enough to fully understand the need for control at the age of 23. I truly beleve that within the next 20 years the laws will be adjusted in the parents favor or at least I shure hope so.<br><br>Texas Gulf Coast Fisher. Re: The Bunny Is Gone!!! - ssor - 04-03-2002 You do not have to worry about that as I intend to spend all the quality time I can doing all I can to help them learn and grow up with the values and respect that they need to survive in this world of crualty and coruptsion.<br><br>Texas Gulf Coast Fisher. Re: The Bunny Is Gone!!! - SHAKA - 04-03-2002 WHEN I WAS YOUNG MY DAD USED TO BEAT MY ASS WHEN I GOT OUT OF LINE. AFTER THAT I LEARNED REAL QUICK. I USED TO HATE HIM FOR THAT. I COULDN'T WAIT UNTIL I WAS OLD ENOUGH TO MOVE OUT. I USED TO TELL MYSELF I'LL NEVER BE LIKE HIM. NOW I HAVE FOUR BOYS OF MY OWN. SOMETIMES WHEN THEY GET OUT OF LINE I JUST WANT TO POP THEM ON THE BACKSIDE, BUT NOW DAYS YOU CAN'T CUASE YOU'LL GET REPORTED. BUT SOMEDAYS.....<br><br> Re: The Bunny Is Gone!!! - ssor - 04-03-2002 I have been reported on by my 15 year old. He thaught that he had me by the @#%#$'s untill we went to court. The Juge already knew that he was the problem and threw it back at him. He use to try to get me to brake laws and it backfired on him. My charges wher droped and he served 40 hours of comunity service. After they go to court once the kids have a change of aditude. That is what it takes to let them know that what they hear about the laws is not always the truth. To make this work in your favor you have to take the time to learn the truth about the laws and not take what you hear as fact. It is not an easy task but to find out what you can and can not do, check out court records and look at the court decisions. Once you know how the cort rules on diffrent actions, then you know what your limits are. The laws are in place to stop abuse not to prevent control. If parents understood the laws then they could get back the control. Remember the courts are there to help keep control. But on the other hand The child welfare system does not care about the laws they only go by what the child said and will not look at the truth. When they try to do it to me I tell them to take me to court so I can present the facts to someone that will hear them. They only took me to court once and lost. Now they leave me alone and ignor my sons lies. I know that he thinks that he hates me now but in about 8-10 years he will be thanking me for caring so much to keep him strait.<br><br>Texas Gulf Coast Fisher. Re: The Bunny Is Gone!!! - SHAKA - 04-03-2002 THANKS FOR THE HONESTY. MY YOUNGEST BOY TRIED THE SAME THING LAST YEAR. I HAD CHILD SERVICES AT MY DOOR. THE SOCIAL WORKER SAW RIGHT THROUGH THE LIES AND FELT THAT BY MY ACTIONS I DID NOTHING UNLAWFUL IN MY DISCIPLINE. IT SUCKS THOUGH BECAUSE KNOW IT GIVES KIDS THE UPPER HAND...IF YOU DISCIPLINE YOUR KID AND HE DOESN'T LIKE IT HE CAN GO TO THE TEACHER EXAGGERATE THE TRUTH NEXT THING YOU KNOW CSEA IS AT YOUR DOOR. NOW I UNDERSTAND THERE ARE SOME PARENTS OUT THERE WHO ABUSE THE HELL OUT OF THEIR KIDS AND THIS IS WHY I'VE GOT THIS PROBLEM <br><br> Re: The Bunny Is Gone!!! - davetclown - 04-04-2002 As I am not a father my self I don’t really have the right to give advice on raising children.<br><br>A close friend of mine got in to the same situation with the courts and his children.<br><br>His children thought that they were going to run the house and that there was nothing that parent could do.<br><br>Now he was raised the same way as the rest of us, he is not an abusive person but the kids can push you to your limits at times. <br><br>Well they got to him one day he turned around and smacked his oldest girl.<br><br>This got him a date with the judge.<br><br>Unfortunately for him he lost in court and had to do a number of hours of community service and pay the court cost. <br><br>His kids held the upper hand and run amuck for almost a year, before he couldn’t stand it any longer. He turned one of his three over his knee. Of course this got him another date with the judge. <br><br>When he came to me with his plight I gave him a tip on teaching the reality of life to his children. <br><br>My advice to him was to pass the court cost on to the children, in other words cut back on the fringes that they were receiving to pay for court cost. <br><br>Then on the way to the courthouse stop by the county children’s village to show them where they will be living if they do not straighten up. <br><br>I told him to say that if you think your life style sucks now wait till you move here when the judge takes you away. <B>(no allowance no overnights with friends no going anywhere no nothing.)</B><br><br>He called me the next day and told me what happened, he took the other two kids out of school and took all of them to court after doing what I had suggested. <br><br>Well the kids called his bluff in court and went on with the lies until the judge started talking about taking the kids away to the county facilities where they would remain till they turned 18.<br><br>The oldest one he said fell flat in her seat when she herd the judge was calling for the bailiff to come and get the kids, the two younger ones started balling.<br><br>Then the truth started coming out the oldest one never considered that she would have her life style ripped out from under her. She started crying and begging the judge to let them go back home with their parents. Claiming that they were at fault not the parents. After that, life wasn’t perfect but they did finally come to an understanding.<br><br>Disciple is not meant to hurt your children but to get their attention focused as to what things really are. <br><br>I had a shortcoming many years ago with one of my nephews and I grabbed him by the front of his shirt with one hand and lifted him to the ceiling. He screamed at me and said “you are not allowed to this you can go to jail for this” my reply to him was “You keep doing the things that you are not suppose to do and I will keep doing the things that I am not suppose to do”.<br><br>After that I never had any more trouble with him after we came to an understanding. <br><br><br><B>Just remember to think about it is that you want to achieve before administrating discipline. <br><br>Remember to wait at least an hour or two or longer before administering. (Don’t be sorry – so Never do it when you are pissed off.)<br><br>Always talk to family and close friends about childrearing when it comes to things that you can’t handle.<br><br>Teach your children to “LOVE” not to FEAR or to HATE.</B><br><br><br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A> <br>Lookie See what the kids are up to.<br>Dave T. Clown Re: The Bunny Is Gone!!! - davetclown - 04-05-2002 re register you may have typed a rong email address when you first registered.<br><br>If you have forgotten your pass word then you just type in any pass word and you will get a log in mistake click on I forgot my pass word a new one will be emailed to you when you get it log on and vew your account and change the number to something that you can remember.<br><br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A> <br>Lookie See what the kids are up to.<br>Dave T. Clown |