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Bear Lake report and Pugstones store update. - Printable Version

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Bear Lake report and Pugstones store update. - gmwahl - 10-13-2018

Hey guys, just a quick report from Bear lake.

The lake trout seem to be getting ready to do the spawn. We were out today trolling and it was SLOW. In the past, this has usually meant that the Lakers are either actually starting to spawn or will be within the next week or so. The cutthroat fishing was fair using diving rapalas within the top 15 feet of the water column, but we got no love down on the bottom. We tried water from 15-80 feet and had all of our luck in water 20-30 feet deep.

Now, about Pugstones. As many of you probably know by now, Darin Pugmire lost his whole store in a tragic semi-truck accident when a semi crashed through his store. This is his sole source of income and he has a wife and three children to support. As you can imagine this is a scary time of year to lose everything with winter and Christmas coming on. There is a GoFundMe page set up to try and help him and his family stay on their feet until things can be sorted out with insurance and so on. It is not clear whether or not the trucking company is even insured and if not, he is hosed.

Any of you that are able, please think about donating to this account. If you get on and go to rebuild pugstones-Pugmire and you should be able to find it.

Darin has always helped his community and visitors with keeping tackle, sporting goods, and updated information about the local fishing and hunting fishing conditions. He truly cares about his community and visitors and we really care about him. At this point they are just needing a little help and if any of you are able and donate a little something then I'm sure the fish gods will Smile down on you!


Re: [gmwahl] Bear Lake report and Pugstones store update. - sliverslinger - 10-13-2018

Thanks for the update Mike. Darin is as good as they come and it is time to rally around a great guy!

Re: [gmwahl] Bear Lake report and Pugstones store update. - Optimizer - 10-14-2018

Hi Mike -
What part of the lake were the cuts?

Re: [Optimizer] Bear Lake report and Pugstones store update. - gmwahl - 10-14-2018

From the marina north to the scout camp and also Cisco beach. We got no love on the rockpile.


Re: [gmwahl] Bear Lake report and Pugstones store update. - SkunkedAgain - 10-15-2018

Hey Mike thanks for the update on both fish and Darin... Man that was a Sad situation... thanks for the go fund me info.... and update on his situation... Later Jeff

Re: [gmwahl] Bear Lake report and Pugstones store update. - Kent - 06-16-2019

Hey Mike, what is the latest on the rebuild of Pugstones?

Re: [kentofnsl] Bear Lake report and Pugstones store update. - sliverslinger - 06-17-2019

Darin texted me a few months ago that it was going to be impossible for him to rebuild. Very, very Sad news. Huge loss for his family, the Bear Lake area and fisherman alike. I don’t have any more information than that. Really wish him and his family the very best.