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Unhook - Printable Version

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Unhook - Przehuj - 04-21-2019

I’m new to fishing and don’t know how to unhook a catfish when he swallows the hook. I caught 3 catfish today and couldn’t unhook them so I cut the line. Is there a different hook I can use or video I can watch?

Re: [Przehuj] Unhook - wiperhunter2 - 04-21-2019

Welcome to the site. Catfish can be hard to deal with, because the don't like to open their mouths but circle hooks can help, as the tend to go to the corner of their mouths more, when they are hooked. There is no 100% method for keeping them from getting hooked deep in the mouth but I also carry a long pair of pliers and that helps too. Good luck and let us know if that info helped you any.