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It still beats work - Printable Version

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It still beats work - jaybird77 - 06-01-2019

Another nice day out on Canyon Lake. The conditions were perfect today. Not too make boats on the lake, nice calm water and just enough breeze to cool it down a little. The water temp up the Tonto creek arm was still hovering around 70 degrees but I’d say the water has dropped a little over a foot. The carp caught was probably the largest fish ever landed in my boat. It wasn’t the most productive day but it was still a lot of fun and we brought home a few fish for the pan and it’ll beat work any day!!!

Re: [jaybird77] It still beats work - wiperhunter2 - 06-01-2019

Nice work[Wink], looks like some fun time on the water with friends. That second fish appears to be a bass, is it a large mouth bass? Nice crappie. That bass and carp sure are dark colored.

Re: [wiperhunter2] It still beats work - jaybird77 - 06-02-2019

Yes it was a large mouth and I agree I’ve never seen a carp that dark colored. The lake has golden algae in it, there have been a lot of dead fish each time I’ve gone out. I don’t know if that has anything to do with the coloration but they sure all fought like they were healthy. How’s the fishing been out your way. I sure do miss going out on Willard and pineview, I got to know those lakes pretty well. Spent many hours fishing in Utah.

Re: [jaybird77] It still beats work - wiperhunter2 - 06-02-2019

Can't say I've heard of golden algae.
The catching has been pretty slow, up until this week but it's finally starting to turn on. We have had a very wet Spring, almost a record in the amount of rain we received in May. June is looking up with some drier forecast, so hopefully, everything will continue to improve. In recent years the wiper catching at Willard has taken a downturn, as the DWR is stocking them less, in favor of Walleye. I have no problem eating walleye but their fight is nothing compared to a wiper.

Re: [wiperhunter2] It still beats work - jaybird77 - 06-02-2019

Amen to that! Reeling a walleye in can be like bringing in a snag. That’s too bad about the wipers. I’d say that pound for pound they are one of the hardest fighting and funnest to catch fresh water fish. It’s been a very wet year here as well. It’s been in the 70’s and 80’s most of the year so far, broken up by rainy days here and there. I’m afraid we are gonna pay this summer though I think it gonna be a rough one. On a different note, I was going back through some of my old posts and I can’t open up the attachments any more to see the pictures. Is there a cutoff date when they pictures are deleted. I would’ve liked to look back on some of the old fishing memories without having to sit in front of the computer.

Re: [jaybird77] It still beats work - TubeDude - 06-02-2019

[#0000FF]Good to see some activity on the old Arizona board. I tried to get that going many years ago...while I lived in Chandler. Now I am up here and you are down there. I hit all the lakes along both the Verde and the Salt Rivers. So maybe I can help with any questions you might have. Feel free to PM me.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]Don't remember the "golden algae" but do remember one morning on Saguaro (Butcher Jones) when my wife and I arrived to a foul smell and virtually zero fish where we had caught grundles of yellow bass, largies, crappies and cats the previous weeks. Nary a sniff in several hours of serious fishing. On our way back in we noticed a lot of small dead clams floating on the surface...part of the source of the smell. Fish and Game investigated and found there was a toxic algae episode. There was no visible algae in the water but whatever it was had run off all the fish and killed anything that was left behind.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]Good luck down there. Lots of good fishing. But on our recent trip to visit family and friends we noticed that there has been a lot more development and there are a lot more people hitting the water.
[#0000FF]About the attachments. A short time ago the owners of the website decided they needed more bandwidth. So they cleaned out all of the old saved files. As you will notice, all of my old posts on that Arizona board are now "naked" pictures. And on my float tubing board I had put together extensive pictorial files on how-to stuff...including lots of descriptive pictures. The big purge wiped out countless hours of work I had put into that board.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]Kinda Sad. Most of the boards have been good resources not only for new members, but for older members to go back and research various subjects. And the pictures and PDF files have been a valuable part of that process. GONE.

Re: [jaybird77] It still beats work - wiperhunter2 - 06-02-2019

As TubeDude said, all gone, BFT is coming up on being 20 years and all those old pics and files were taking up a bunch of room on the server, so sacrifices were made to keep things going. Wish things could have been handled a different way but it too late now. The writing in the post are still there but everything else was deleted.[Sad]

Re: [TubeDude] It still beats work - jaybird77 - 06-03-2019

It sounds like the exact same thing TubeDude. I found this on the internet.
A harmful algal bloom is an explosion in population of one or more algae species. In a bloom situation, enough toxins are released to kill fish and clams. The toxin causes bleeding internally from the gills; impeding the organism's ability to exchange water and absorb oxygen.
It’s almost exactly what you explained. The vultures sure love it though!
As for your other observation, it’s getting too dang crowded down here and growing every day. The lakes are packed on the weekend, kinda hard to fish a single location in my little tin can.
That’s too bad about the pictures. I still have all of them on my hard drive I guess I’ll just have to make a folder with only fishing pictures. At least the posts are still there I like to look back to previous years and see all the info like temperature time and such. Thanks to both of you for keeping me company on here. There used to be a few other guys who would post and respond occasionally but I haven’t seen them in a while.
Hopefully my next post will be from the San Francisco Bay next weekend. Hopefully it’ll be a good trip.