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Deer Creek 11/17 - Printable Version

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Deer Creek 11/17 - SummerHummer - 11-17-2019

Went out to Deer Creek on the Hobie Kayak hoping for a better experience than last week!

Tried trolling with a couple diving rapalas and got nothing. Switched to some pop gear with a white squid and a silver dodger with a green squid and immediately started knocking the piss outta them for a about 300 yards. Made for a fun morning!

I also tried dragging along a bright green woolly bugger and got quite a few hits on it but couldn’t ever set the hook.

Largest bow was 15”. Any recommendations on finding some of the bigger bows? Do they hang a little deeper usually?

Re: [SummerHummer] Deer Creek 11/17 - fishgiver - 11-18-2019

Looks like you were successful in landing some for dinner, better than a skunk. Good on ya!

Re: [SummerHummer] Deer Creek 11/17 - FishfulThinkin - 11-18-2019

I was there Friday afternoon and caught one nice Brown pretty deep. No rainbows as we were targeting perch mostly. Found a nice school in 65 feet of water but they weren't too hungry but we did get a few. Last trip to DC a couple of weeks ago we fished for rainbows and caught a bunch but mostly recent planters about 13 inchers. We would catch a nicer bow occasionally up to 18" but it was probably 6 to 1 for the smaller fish. Most fish were caught from the surface to 25 feet deep.