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Gilligan, Chester Frost, Crappie, Brim, Bass, 10/24/2019, By Myself - Printable Version

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Gilligan, Chester Frost, Crappie, Brim, Bass, 10/24/2019, By Myself - FishNews - 12-19-2019

This is my first post so bare with me if I rattle on. I went to Chester Frost to bank fish today. I hate to go by myself but I just couldn't stay home with the day as beautiful as today is. I mostly drove around trying to find a spot but there really wasn't one. The water was down so low and there was a ton of, well, I don't know what it was, but it wasn't biting. All I caught was a 6" piece of algae. But there is no such thing as a bad day fishin. I mean, it's fishing. Hopefully if you were in a boat it was good for you.