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Few bear trail cam pics - Printable Version

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Few bear trail cam pics - Bovineowner - 06-07-2021

We have a bait site down in SE Utah where a friend is trying to get a bear. Thought I’d share a couple pictures we have gotten. 
Sow with a cub. Kinda cool how momma is standing guard 

[Image: 08-D22-F95-F866-4881-B84-A-2-AD4626-D6-EEA.jpg]

Next old girl is in wonderful shape

[Image: 9-E766-A9-A-C19-D-4211-AB38-7-C3297-EC3-BF0.jpg]

And the last one is inspecting my camera 

[Image: F83-FCEF4-2980-4880-B9-EC-5-C3608-ED294-F.jpg]
Bears are a lot of fun. Sure have different attitudes and keep things interesting

RE: Few bear trail cam pics - Cowboypirate - 06-07-2021

Great shots. Seen any big boars yet?

RE: Few bear trail cam pics - Bovineowner - 06-07-2021

Not yet. Hope one shows up soon. Last year I had 3 different boars show up on the bait. Passed
On them all including one dandy. Hope he comes
Back this year for my buddy.

RE: Few bear trail cam pics - wiperhunter2 - 06-08-2021

Cool pics, thanks for sharing them with us.

RE: Few bear trail cam pics - RILEYFISH - 06-12-2021

gotta love trail cams. great photos. looking forward to you sharing some pics of your trophy soon!

RE: Few bear trail cam pics - Bovineowner - 06-20-2021

Well One good black color phase bear showed up ?

[Image: 70-AFC5-E2-0-B77-4309-AF88-7-CC9580-DCD94.jpg]
And a blond started coming In as well

[Image: D8-F3-A6-FA-3-C68-41-E9-86-AF-EF44-E87-CE2-F2.jpg]

And this morning the good blond bear is headed home with a tag on him. My buddy worked his tail
Off and I’m sure proud of him. 

[Image: 2-DDE75-E7-70-C2-4974-A5-DC-581-A28-AD7-CD2.jpg]

RE: Few bear trail cam pics - wiperhunter2 - 06-20-2021

Congrats to your friend, that is a good looking bear, I think a lot of hunters try for bears like that for year and never get one.

RE: Few bear trail cam pics - a_bow_nut - 06-21-2021

That's a good looking bear.


RE: Few bear trail cam pics - jamon_negro - 06-23-2021

That's a great looking bear! Congrats!