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2021 Willard Bay Trip # 27 - Printable Version

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2021 Willard Bay Trip # 27 - Tin-Can - 07-21-2021

Got back out to WB, south. Water levels about the same as from Monday. The baffles are open slightly.  Very nice light breeze blowing from slightly north west. 

[Image: 073-Trip-27-21-July-2021.jpg]

Got out directly north of feedlot over 10-12 fow.  First 2 Kitties hit within 23 minutes of launch. 

[Image: 074.jpg]     [Image: 075.jpg]

At launch +62 minutes, boated # 3.

[Image: 076.jpg]  

Bite slowed down for me, so had an on-water short greet with Fatbiker. He had boated 4 at that time. Very likely more before he left. 

I picked up my last 2 on my last 2 pieces of shrimp.

[Image: 077.jpg]     [Image: 078.jpg]

Was so nice on the water, tried to do some prospecting with several different lures. Nope, Kitties seemed to have no interest in plastic and metal dragging past them. 

Called it a day at 1230.   All Cats released.

RE: 2021 Willard Bay Trip # 27 - FatBiker - 07-21-2021

Forest, good to see you out there today. Seems like we fish the same areas often but don't take the time to say hi.

RE: 2021 Willard Bay Trip # 27 - wiperhunter2 - 07-21-2021

Sounds like another successful trip you two. I heard they closed Willard today, did either of you hear anything about that?

RE: 2021 Willard Bay Trip # 27 - dubob - 07-22-2021

Forest - have you ever considered renting a room from the Park Ranger (Manager)?  It would seem that you spend more time at Willard than you do at home.   Big Grin

RE: 2021 Willard Bay Trip # 27 - Tin-Can - 07-22-2021

(07-21-2021, 11:43 PM)wiperhunter2 Wrote: Sounds like another successful trip you two. I heard they closed Willard today, did either of you hear anything about that?

  Curt,  the "Ramp Closed" signs at the entry gate (south) have been posted for a week or more, but it's "use at your own risk" . Water level is getting low enough at the ramps that most of the bigger ski and wake boats are staying away.  But folks in boats that can float in 2 fow with their motors trimmed up (like most of us anglers) are still launching ok. And float craft like yaks, toons, and canoes have no problem. 
Once you are away from the ramp, and at the outside edge of the docks, it's 3.5-4 fow. 
The baffles at the south inlet were open just a little yesterday, and the canal coming past Smith & Edwards is close to full. So I think maybe they are maintaining a reduced level at least until after Labor Day, maybe. 

I'm guessing that the Ramp Closed signs are put up as a liability thing.  

I did notice yesterday that the warning buoys around the island are back out.

(07-22-2021, 12:45 AM)dubob Wrote: Forest - have you ever considered renting a room from the Park Ranger (Manager)?  It would seem that you spend more time at Willard than you do at home.   Big Grin

  Bob, I don't live too far from Willard, and being retired I can go when I want.  Only thing that has really reduced my trips this year have been the high winds. 

I did consider renting one of the cabins at the north camp grounds awhile back, but they run about $100.00 a night.  Cheaper to stay home where I don't have to go outside and 100 yards away to use the bathroom   Cry .   

Now if I could use the camp ground host's 5th wheel..................................

(07-21-2021, 10:45 PM)FatBiker Wrote: Forest, good to see you out there today. Seems like we fish the same areas often but don't take the time to say hi.

  Yea, but now that I know your new boat, I'll be able  to recognize you better from a distance.  I don't like to motor in too close to another anglers boat, but yesterday I was already not too far off, and saw that your lines were either out the other side, or were in your yak. 

I like the Tiger teeth you put on  the front of the SS Rocky.......... kinda looks like an A10 nose......

RE: 2021 Willard Bay Trip # 27 - wiperhunter2 - 07-22-2021

Thanks Forest, that was what I figured, they put a sign like that up at the North marina almost a month ago.