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The Stars Align for 2 Catoholics, Finally! - Printable Version

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The Stars Align for 2 Catoholics, Finally! - Piscophilic - 09-01-2024

What happens when two catoholics get together in the same boat…records are set, at least for my boat, but more about that later.
It took several failed attempts last year and several more over a couple of months this year, but Pat and I were finally able to meet up at the Provo boat harbor to go out and chase cats. Even after all the planning, both of us almost cancelled in the 2 days before the outing. Guess it was meant to be!
We met at the north west ramp at 6 A.M. Water temp was 66 and the air was 52. I had gotten white bait the day before, so we headed right out. Pat started out dragging large shiners and I used the chilled WB. We started a leisurely stroll at 0.3-0.5 mph in about 4.5 FOW.
The first hour was a great chance to catch up, swap stories and watch the sunrise. OK, truth is I messed up and started us way too shallow! After almost an hour we were barely over 6 FOW and only 2 cats in the mid 20-inch range had volunteered to break up the chit chat. It was great to visit after not getting together for a couple of years, but I knew Pat wanted to see things prettier than my face!
Recent trips had found more cats in the 7-10 foot range so I finally gave up on the shallows and kicked the speed up to about 2 until we hit about 8 FOW. The change was almost instant. The first kitty to hit out there was just touching 30” and the catching became much steadier.

Pat had started experimenting with different rigs due to a number of fish that bent his rod and then let go. He later explained that he had to work hard to get all those fish to let go so I wouldn’t feel bad about getting out fished! He’s always been thoughtful that way.
He settled in on blue and silver FLIGS and wb meat and got several fairly quickly, including a 29 that was well over 10 pounds. In that flurry I got one almost 31. We finally seemed to be in the zone.

[Image: Blue-and-Silver.jpg] 
[Image: Blue-and-Silver-does-it.jpg]

[Image: Almost-31.jpg]

LifeShort and I had communicated the day before and he and Craig came out and joined us. They were mirroring our depth several hundred yards to the south. Just as we got those two nice fish, we got a text from them showing LS with one just under 32”. Looked like we had both found the right depth, either that or someone had turned on the bite light.
We mostly zig-zagged back and forth from 7 to 9.5 FOW and hit several little spurts. Just after 10 A.M. we hit a great bunch. We got five fish over a 20 to 30 minutes stretch, but we had at least one on the whole time. 4 of the 5 were good ones going 30, 31-3/4, 32 and 33”. The last one landed was 26 and I had let it drag for over 20 minutes while we dealt with larger fish. When I told Pat I’d been ignoring it all that time to deal with the big ones he said: “Oh, you’re a high grader, huh!”

[Image: 14-plus.jpg]

[Image: Most-Blue-and-Sliver.jpg]

[Image: Pat-and-33.jpg]

[Image: 32.jpg]

After the all the pictures were taken and the last one released, I looked over at Pat and said, “Those fish are wearing me out!”
After that flurry of big fish things got quieter for a while, we got a couple more in the mid 20’s but no more big ones, and Pat reminded me he wanted to get home to take care of family. He said to give it 20 more minutes. The next fish that came aboard just touched 30” and we agreed that was a fitting end to a great morning!
What a great morning it was!

First, it was a great morning for catching. Naturally Pat ended up as top rod for the longest fish with his 33” male. I got the heavyweight award with 2 cats just over 14 pounds.  We ended up with 17 cats in just under 5 hours. In those cats were 3 boat records: 2 cats over 14 pounds in a day, more than 50% of the cats over 10 pounds in a day, and 7 cats over 30” in a day.

Second, it was a beautiful morning to be out on the water and last but not least, it was a great day to spend with a great fishman and catch up with a friend.
Thanks Pat, I always enjoy the rare opportunity to get you in my boat, swap stories and learn from you! I know you put a lot of effort into making this trip happen and I’m grateful for that. Thanks for the picture and I hope we can get together again, and it doesn’t take 2 years to get it done.
PS, I’ll try to get the video put together and add in soon.

RE: The Stars Align for 2 Catoholics, Finally! - TubeDude - 09-01-2024

Thanks, Jim, for the invite and the fine day on the water.  Hope you appreciated me ordering the calm conditions after the "North Atlantic" experience you had with Julie the day before.

Also hope you appreciated me "early releasing" a few fish to keep from embarrassing the skipper.  Went against my "anglers' ego" but I felt it prudent to do so.  I also hope you realize I forcibly restrained myself from snarking about what I would be doing differently if I was in my float tube. I have been known to wear out my welcome in some boats by whining a lot about not being in my inflatable craft.

In retrospect, I was fishing too light...too close to the boat...with the wrong stuff early in the session.  Once I added some weight, changed colors and hooks and "requisitioned" some of your little whitie chunks I went bendo more often.  But that big ugly male was almost too nasty to bring aboard.  Almost.

We just don't get together often enough.  Plenty of excuses...with personal schedules, my problems with aging, etc.  But no good reasons for not "hooking up" more often.

I see you made good use of the pics I sent over.  Here's one I didn't send.  I got your "best side".
[Image: 7.jpg]

RE: The Stars Align for 2 Catoholics, Finally! - obifishkenobi - 09-01-2024

(09-01-2024, 03:04 PM)Piscophilic Wrote: What happens when two catoholics get together in the same boat…records are set, at least for my boat, but more about that later.
It took several failed attempts last year and several more over a couple of months this year, but Pat and I were finally able to meet up at the Provo boat harbor to go out and chase cats. Even after all the planning, both of us almost cancelled in the 2 days before the outing. Guess it was meant to be!
We met at the north west ramp at 6 A.M. Water temp was 66 and the air was 52. I had gotten white bait the day before, so we headed right out. Pat started out dragging large shiners and I used the chilled WB. We started a leisurely stroll at 0.3-0.5 mph in about 4.5 FOW.
The first hour was a great chance to catch up, swap stories and watch the sunrise. OK, truth is I messed up and started us way too shallow! After almost an hour we were barely over 6 FOW and only 2 cats in the mid 20-inch range had volunteered to break up the chit chat. It was great to visit after not getting together for a couple of years, but I knew Pat wanted to see things prettier than my face!
Recent trips had found more cats in the 7-10 foot range so I finally gave up on the shallows and kicked the speed up to about 2 until we hit about 8 FOW. The change was almost instant. The first kitty to hit out there was just touching 30” and the catching became much steadier.

Pat had started experimenting with different rigs due to a number of fish that bent his rod and then let go. He later explained that he had to work hard to get all those fish to let go so I wouldn’t feel bad about getting out fished! He’s always been thoughtful that way.
He settled in on blue and silver FLIGS and wb meat and got several fairly quickly, including a 29 that was well over 10 pounds. In that flurry I got one almost 31. We finally seemed to be in the zone.

[Image: Blue-and-Silver.jpg] 
[Image: Blue-and-Silver-does-it.jpg]

[Image: Almost-31.jpg]

LifeShort and I had communicated the day before and he and Craig came out and joined us. They were mirroring our depth several hundred yards to the south. Just as we got those two nice fish, we got a text from them showing LS with one just under 32”. Looked like we had both found the right depth, either that or someone had turned on the bite light.
We mostly zig-zagged back and forth from 7 to 9.5 FOW and hit several little spurts. Just after 10 A.M. we hit a great bunch. We got five fish over a 20 to 30 minutes stretch, but we had at least one on the whole time. 4 of the 5 were good ones going 30, 31-3/4, 32 and 33”. The last one landed was 26 and I had let it drag for over 20 minutes while we dealt with larger fish. When I told Pat I’d been ignoring it all that time to deal with the big ones he said: “Oh, you’re a high grader, huh!”

[Image: 14-plus.jpg]

[Image: Most-Blue-and-Sliver.jpg]

[Image: Pat-and-33.jpg]

[Image: 32.jpg]

After the all the pictures were taken and the last one released, I looked over at Pat and said, “Those fish are wearing me out!”
After that flurry of big fish things got quieter for a while, we got a couple more in the mid 20’s but no more big ones, and Pat reminded me he wanted to get home to take care of family. He said to give it 20 more minutes. The next fish that came aboard just touched 30” and we agreed that was a fitting end to a great morning!
What a great morning it was!

First, it was a great morning for catching. Naturally Pat ended up as top rod for the longest fish with his 33” male. I got the heavyweight award with 2 cats just over 14 pounds.  We ended up with 17 cats in just under 5 hours. In those cats were 3 boat records: 2 cats over 14 pounds in a day, more than 50% of the cats over 10 pounds in a day, and 7 cats over 30” in a day.

Second, it was a beautiful morning to be out on the water and last but not least, it was a great day to spend with a great fishman and catch up with a friend.
Thanks Pat, I always enjoy the rare opportunity to get you in my boat, swap stories and learn from you! I know you put a lot of effort into making this trip happen and I’m grateful for that. Thanks for the picture and I hope we can get together again, and it doesn’t take 2 years to get it done.
PS, I’ll try to get the video put together and add in soon.
Great report, those are some nice fish, one of these days I need to get down to Utah Lake to catch the big ones, but it is hard to pull myself away from the numbers at Willard just 15 minutes from my house. I am really looking forward to getting Pat in my boat this fall.

RE: The Stars Align for 2 Catoholics, Finally! - jjannie - 09-01-2024

Nice job to you ALL, we're still learning flig fishing and catching, but we always enjoy the times we get out on the water nonetheless. Shawn, can't blame you for sticking closer to home - you've been having pretty good luck this summer!

RE: The Stars Align for 2 Catoholics, Finally! - wiperhunter2 - 09-01-2024

Great report Jim, sounds like you two had a great day on UL. Question for you or Pat, are big males at UL usually as skinny as that 33 incher Pat caught? Can't say I've ever see one that skinny.

RE: The Stars Align for 2 Catoholics, Finally! - TubeDude - 09-01-2024

(09-01-2024, 07:34 PM)wiperhunter2 Wrote: Great report Jim, sounds like you two had a great day on UL. Question for you or Pat, are big males at UL usually as skinny as that 33 incher Pat caught? Can't say I've ever see one that skinny.
Males are generally not quite as chunky as the females, but they get thinner during the spawn because they don't eat much and spend a lot of time securing a nest and fighting off other males.   If there is enough food they will bulk up a bit more by late fall...but will still have wider heads and thinner bodies than the mamas.  

I have caught a couple of males at Willard recently that hardly had enough meat on them to justify keeping and filleting.

RE: The Stars Align for 2 Catoholics, Finally! - wiperhunter2 - 09-02-2024

(09-01-2024, 09:43 PM)TubeDude Wrote:
(09-01-2024, 07:34 PM)wiperhunter2 Wrote: Great report Jim, sounds like you two had a great day on UL. Question for you or Pat, are big males at UL usually as skinny as that 33 incher Pat caught? Can't say I've ever see one that skinny.
Males are generally not quite as chunky as the females, but they get thinner during the spawn because they don't eat much and spend a lot of time securing a nest and fighting off other males.   If there is enough food they will bulk up a bit more by late fall...but will still have wider heads and thinner bodies than the mamas.  

I have caught a couple of males at Willard recently that hardly had enough meat on them to justify keeping and filleting.

I've seen those skinny males before but I was thinking when they got that long they would not get that skinny.

RE: The Stars Align for 2 Catoholics, Finally! - MWScott72 - 09-03-2024

Sounds like a fabulous morning on all accounts. Those good days are what keep us coming back again and again with all the “stinker” days thrown in to keep us honest and appreciative of the great days. Catching up with old friends is the icing on the cake. Great job guys - sounded like a hoot!

RE: The Stars Align for 2 Catoholics, Finally! - MrShane - 09-05-2024

Anybody other than me thought this thread was going to turn in to a joke about two ‘Catholics’ going fishing?
I expected to read that a Bishop, the Pope, and a Rabbi were going to head out on UL all in same boat.
And I figured Pat would be on board to lead the way in the lesson “Give a man a fishing pole, and he fries fillets for life”.

RE: The Stars Align for 2 Catoholics, Finally! - TubeDude - 09-05-2024

(09-05-2024, 06:20 PM)MrShane Wrote: Anybody other than me thought this thread was going to turn in to a joke about two ‘Catholics’ going fishing?
I expected to read that a Bishop, the Pope, and a Rabbi were going to head out on UL all in same boat.
And I figured Pat would be on board to lead the way in the lesson “Give a man a fishing pole, and he fries fillets for life”.
Wow.  Are you back on crack...or just smoked fish?

RE: The Stars Align for 2 Catoholics, Finally! - Piscophilic - 09-06-2024

Thanks Shane and Pat for the great humor, made my morning!

RE: The Stars Align for 2 Catoholics, Finally! - MrShane - 09-07-2024

(09-05-2024, 11:01 PM)TubeDude Wrote:
(09-05-2024, 06:20 PM)MrShane Wrote: Anybody other than me thought this thread was going to turn in to a joke about two ‘Catholics’ going fishing?
I expected to read that a Bishop, the Pope, and a Rabbi were going to head out on UL all in same boat.
And I figured Pat would be on board to lead the way in the lesson “Give a man a fishing pole, and he fries fillets for life”.
Wow.  Are you back on crack...or just smoked fish?
I may have inhaled……..
too much gun smoke over the years.
If I at least got a chuckle out of you it was worth it!

RE: The Stars Align for 2 Catoholics, Finally! - Redrebel - 09-07-2024

(09-05-2024, 06:20 PM)MrShane Wrote: Anybody other than me thought this thread was going to turn in to a joke about two ‘Catholics’ going fishing?
I expected to read that a Bishop, the Pope, and a Rabbi were going to head out on UL all in same boat.
And I figured Pat would be on board to lead the way in the lesson “Give a man a fishing pole, and he fries fillets for life”.

Glad I wasn’t the only one! Glad you said something!!!

RE: The Stars Align for 2 Catoholics, Finally! - Dirt Bag - 09-10-2024

sounds like a heck of a trip for "Two Legends".

RE: The Stars Align for 2 Catoholics, Finally! - mule_skinner45 - 09-18-2024

(09-01-2024, 03:04 PM)Piscophilic Wrote: What happens when two catoholics get together in the same boat…records are set, at least for my boat, but more about that later.
It took several failed attempts last year and several more over a couple of months this year, but Pat and I were finally able to meet up at the Provo boat harbor to go out and chase cats. Even after all the planning, both of us almost cancelled in the 2 days before the outing. Guess it was meant to be!
We met at the north west ramp at 6 A.M. Water temp was 66 and the air was 52. I had gotten white bait the day before, so we headed right out. Pat started out dragging large shiners and I used the chilled WB. We started a leisurely stroll at 0.3-0.5 mph in about 4.5 FOW.
The first hour was a great chance to catch up, swap stories and watch the sunrise. OK, truth is I messed up and started us way too shallow! After almost an hour we were barely over 6 FOW and only 2 cats in the mid 20-inch range had volunteered to break up the chit chat. It was great to visit after not getting together for a couple of years, but I knew Pat wanted to see things prettier than my face!
Recent trips had found more cats in the 7-10 foot range so I finally gave up on the shallows and kicked the speed up to about 2 until we hit about 8 FOW. The change was almost instant. The first kitty to hit out there was just touching 30” and the catching became much steadier.

Pat had started experimenting with different rigs due to a number of fish that bent his rod and then let go. He later explained that he had to work hard to get all those fish to let go so I wouldn’t feel bad about getting out fished! He’s always been thoughtful that way.
He settled in on blue and silver FLIGS and wb meat and got several fairly quickly, including a 29 that was well over 10 pounds. In that flurry I got one almost 31. We finally seemed to be in the zone.

[Image: Blue-and-Silver.jpg] 
[Image: Blue-and-Silver-does-it.jpg]

[Image: Almost-31.jpg]

LifeShort and I had communicated the day before and he and Craig came out and joined us. They were mirroring our depth several hundred yards to the south. Just as we got those two nice fish, we got a text from them showing LS with one just under 32”. Looked like we had both found the right depth, either that or someone had turned on the bite light.
We mostly zig-zagged back and forth from 7 to 9.5 FOW and hit several little spurts. Just after 10 A.M. we hit a great bunch. We got five fish over a 20 to 30 minutes stretch, but we had at least one on the whole time. 4 of the 5 were good ones going 30, 31-3/4, 32 and 33”. The last one landed was 26 and I had let it drag for over 20 minutes while we dealt with larger fish. When I told Pat I’d been ignoring it all that time to deal with the big ones he said: “Oh, you’re a high grader, huh!”

[Image: 14-plus.jpg]

[Image: Most-Blue-and-Sliver.jpg]

[Image: Pat-and-33.jpg]

[Image: 32.jpg]

After the all the pictures were taken and the last one released, I looked over at Pat and said, “Those fish are wearing me out!”
After that flurry of big fish things got quieter for a while, we got a couple more in the mid 20’s but no more big ones, and Pat reminded me he wanted to get home to take care of family. He said to give it 20 more minutes. The next fish that came aboard just touched 30” and we agreed that was a fitting end to a great morning!
What a great morning it was!

First, it was a great morning for catching. Naturally Pat ended up as top rod for the longest fish with his 33” male. I got the heavyweight award with 2 cats just over 14 pounds.  We ended up with 17 cats in just under 5 hours. In those cats were 3 boat records: 2 cats over 14 pounds in a day, more than 50% of the cats over 10 pounds in a day, and 7 cats over 30” in a day.

Second, it was a beautiful morning to be out on the water and last but not least, it was a great day to spend with a great fishman and catch up with a friend.
Thanks Pat, I always enjoy the rare opportunity to get you in my boat, swap stories and learn from you! I know you put a lot of effort into making this trip happen and I’m grateful for that. Thanks for the picture and I hope we can get together again, and it doesn’t take 2 years to get it done.
PS, I’ll try to get the video put together and add in soon.

Just a note, I think it is illegal to use white bass as bait at Willard. Only allowed at Utah Lake and Jordan River.

RE: The Stars Align for 2 Catoholics, Finally! - TubeDude - 09-18-2024

(09-18-2024, 12:36 PM)mule_skinner45 Wrote: Just a note, I think it is illegal to use white bass as bait at Willard. Only allowed at Utah Lake and Jordan River.

Right.  But we were at Utah Lake.  All good.