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Bird Island report - Printable Version

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Bird Island report - Fishcrazy - 06-03-2004

Went to Bird Island this morning with Aquaman and his wife Becky.We fished until 2Pm.We had good luck,and caught 18 cats,and one white bass.I fished with a shrimp and crawler combo under a slip bobber and that seemed to work the best.We fished the North side of Bird Island in about 6 feet of water.Nine for me,six for Becky,and three for Aquaman(he said she always out fishes him with bait)A word of caution,on the way out of channel,stay close to North jetty.Only 4-5 feet in the marina,and 3-4 feet in the channel,if you get to far to the left you can come to grief

Re: [Fishcrazy] Bird Island report - fishboy2 - 06-03-2004

wheer did you launch? we were out there on monday, and had the same problem, went to left, and started turning up mud

Re: [Fishcrazy] Bird Island report - Shrimpboy - 06-03-2004

That's a nice kitty. Did you get a weight? I'm guessing 6.5-7.5 pounds. Did you keep any of them to eat?

You don't see Utah Lake with a glassy surface like that too often. I'm jealous.

Re: [Fishcrazy] Bird Island report - Theekillerbee - 06-03-2004

Hey that is a nice cat. Looks like you guys had a fun day on the pond. Thanks for the report and good luck on your next trip out.

Re: [fishboy2] Bird Island report - Fishcrazy - 06-03-2004

We launched at the State Park marina

Re: [Shrimpboy] Bird Island report - Fishcrazy - 06-03-2004

May have been that big,we were thinking 5-6 lb. the lake was calm,but that made it HOT[crazy] also

Re: [Theekillerbee] Bird Island report - Fishcrazy - 06-03-2004

Thanks,it was a fun day,But hot.Those big cats really pull.The bigger ones make your arm hurt!

Re: [Fishcrazy] Bird Island report - Kent - 06-03-2004

What time did you start fishing?

Re: [kentofnsl] Bird Island report - Fishcrazy - 06-03-2004

We started at Bird Island about 9:30AM

Re: [Fishcrazy] Bird Island report - Coldfooter - 06-03-2004

Good Kitties!! Way ta hit em!

Re: [Fishcrazy] Bird Island report - Kent - 06-03-2004

Sorry, one other question. Did you have any problem with misquitos out there?

Re: [Fishcrazy] Bird Island report - Curtisfish - 06-03-2004

Nice post Fishcrazy! I love fishing the island for the kitties! I have never caught a monster out there, but figuring you can average around 6lb. fish, and numbers of those, that's not a bad day on the water for anyone I know.

Keep us posted on further success.

Re: [kentofnsl] Bird Island report - fishboy2 - 06-03-2004

me and road did get into some skeeters, but we were not by bird island at the time, we were fishing by shore by a different launch site not too far away from bird island.

Re: [fishboy2] Bird Island report - Kent - 06-03-2004

I have never seen skeeters at Bird Island; however, I wanted to see if that had changed with the change in water level. I will be fishing it soon, and just wanted to know what to expect. How is Road's new boat working out?

Re: [kentofnsl] Bird Island report - aquaman - 06-03-2004

hi kent no skeeters at all

Re: [kentofnsl] Bird Island report - fishboy2 - 06-03-2004

it runs great, cruises about 30 mph, can go faster but dont like to. it is a little tuff to start, but as the day goes on it get easier. im sure in a couple more trips it will be somewhat easy to start. decent fishing boat too, he landed 2 cats on monday, a 3 pounder and a average sized mud cat.

Re: [kentofnsl] Bird Island report - Fishcrazy - 06-03-2004

Nope,their were some bugs out there,but their always is

Re: [Coldfooter] Bird Island report - Fishcrazy - 06-03-2004

Thanks coldfooter,always liked those catfish since a guy from Mississippi showed me how to catch them[Smile]

Re: [Curtisfish] Bird Island report - Fishcrazy - 06-03-2004

Thanks,may have to pole out of the harbor if the water gets much lower.

Re: [Fishcrazy] Bird Island report - Coldfooter - 06-04-2004

Good to hear that Fishcrazy! Have you tried trolling for them just for kicks?