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One Musky a day..thats all we ask.. - Printable Version

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One Musky a day..thats all we ask.. - skipythelurker - 07-17-2004

Took the inlaws up for a mornen on the view...I believe that the economy must be doing great by the amount of boats that are on pineview on a saturday..Seems the muskys dont mind them as much as I do..Even the narrows was packed with boats..but this 42" er would rather eat than ski..saw another one that poped his head right out the water and was just moteren along haven a look at all the boats..Caught mine on a #5 silver shad..just out of the narrows...caught a couple of smallies up by middle fork..lots and lots of boats.. right perty up to pineview today..

Re: [skipythelurker] One Musky a day..thats all we ask.. - Theekillerbee - 07-17-2004

Hey there skipy. That is not a bad musky. Congrats on the good fish.

Re: [skipythelurker] One Musky a day..thats all we ask.. - MGB - 07-17-2004

Nice muskie Skip, I see I taught you well. I've been telling you about these muskies for years, see all the fun you've missed out on.

Re: [MGB] One Musky a day..thats all we ask.. - skipythelurker - 07-17-2004

You are still the king My Brother........How many more do I have to catch to be a Member Of the....Musky Mike..(CARP'T)..Catch and Release.. Pro'Team..One a day thats All We ask.. You should have seen that buiser when he finally left...He kinda looked over his big ol shoulder and gave me a Wink..You recognize this big fella..I think he's all ready on the team??.

Re: [skipythelurker] One Musky a day..thats all we ask.. - MGB - 07-17-2004

Just a couple more and you will be ready for your initiation. You will have to swim 100 yards along a weedy shore line at pineview. Theres only been a few people bitten while doing this so don't worry.

Oh I forgot the muskie you caught will participate in your initiation.

Re: [skipythelurker] One Musky a day..thats all we ask.. - nomoose - 07-18-2004

Nice fish. looks fat. I think we say you up there. we did ok with 3 in the boat today. 2 were only 33" and one was 41" all in all was good day. well if you liked lots of boats and people. oh yea we got 2 of ours on killer moose spinners and one on a 6" perch grandma's

Re: [nomoose] One Musky a day..thats all we ask.. - skipythelurker - 07-18-2004

Man thats great moose mann....where's the can boat that many a day...there's bound to be some great body go's and catches 3 or 4 a trip and dont take a camera..are you letten um go or taken um home...???

Re: [skipythelurker] One Musky a day..thats all we ask.. - nomoose - 07-18-2004

sorry no pics they went with my customers. and yes all fish are put back to swim for the next guy. they only time I'll ever take a fish is it breaks the world record.

Re: [nomoose] One Musky a day..thats all we ask.. - skipythelurker - 07-18-2004

Have you taken any?


Re: [skipythelurker] One Musky a day..thats all we ask.. - MGB - 07-19-2004

Went to pinview Sunday (7-18-04) with HA69. Caught 3 muskies,not much size to them 27",22" and 14". We also caught afew smbass. It was a costly day I lost 3 lures (2 from water skiers) and 175 yards of spider that should be wraped around the ski boats prop. I know they don't care about us fishermen and women but should'nt they be concerned about the fishing line wraped around their props?


Re: [MGB] One Musky a day..thats all we ask.. - Hellsangler69 - 07-19-2004

I stayed for a another hour and hooked 10 more bass from shore . One was a largemouth . I seen another small muskie suface in front of me . I think I lost about 30.00 in gear to the flooded brush and rocks . Paying dues I guess . I was sweating bullets for a while , almost hooked a water skier that fell down .

Re: [skipythelurker] One Musky a day..thats all we ask.. - nomoose - 07-19-2004

me no I wouldn't know how to fish for them. but lots of guys I fish with seem to hook them all the time. I dont know much about them at all. I'm sure you could find lot of guys on here that know more then me about them

Re: [MGB] One Musky a day..thats all we ask.. - skipythelurker - 07-19-2004

Nice work Mike....I still havnt caught one on that particular shad..Oh but I have lost my share of them thats for sure...On saturday by noon I just couldnt take it..TOO many skiers for me...and they dont care about whats hangen out the back of the boat...That line around there prop will just be a reminder to them when there replacing the bearings..


Re: [skipythelurker] One Musky a day..thats all we ask.. - Scooter - 07-19-2004

I think the Lurker has come out of the closet!!!!!!!!! Nice Tiger Skip but I swear the mug is going to break the camera some day!!!!!!