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how many getting there limit in dove? - Printable Version

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how many getting there limit in dove? - daymere - 09-07-2004

i got my limit but barely but they are slowy in coming not a lot flying here how about everywhere else?

Re: [daymere] how many getting there limit in dove? - davetclown - 09-12-2004

I caught one with my bare hands thursday...

Re: [davetclown] how many getting there limit in dove? - daymere - 09-14-2004

we use guns here but each has his own way i guess lol.

Re: [daymere] how many getting there limit in dove? - davetclown - 09-14-2004

in just a couple hours I was thinking about goin out and getten my a new dove gun, maybe a ak-47 with a 200 round clip[sly]

Re: [davetclown] how many getting there limit in dove? - daymere - 09-14-2004

sounds like fun i want to go........ but my anti aircraft guns dont have tags for out of state yet. but when they do you are on.