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This just sucks! Suggestions needed! - Printable Version

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This just sucks! Suggestions needed! - CBR - 10-20-2004

The mainline between the water valve on the street and my house has broke and now I have to bring in plumbers to give me bids to repair and so far the best bid is $2300. That is absolutely outragious considering they only have to re-run about 20 feet of pipe! That is pretty much all the money I have saved up for my SUV so I can get a decent boat so now I will be back to square 1.

Time is essence here as my family and I have no water. If anyone has any suggestions on good plumbers who can work quickly please feel free to send me there details.


Re: [CBR] This just sucks! Suggestions needed! - addicted2fishin - 10-20-2004

don't know if it will make a difference, but you might ask them how much it will be if you dig the dirt and all they have to do is the plumbing work. It may be a bit of work on your part, but may save some $$$. You should have it blue staked, then you can go rent a ditch digger, or possibly even a little bobcat with backhoe, to help you do the work.

Just a thought.

Re: [CBR] This just sucks! Suggestions needed! - fish4fish - 10-20-2004

Im not exatly sure on the situation, but if this was caused by a city error of bad city plumbing then the city should be held liable for it shouldnt they?

Alos wouldnt your homeowners insurance cover it, or would they just cover any damage caused to the house?

Re: [CBR] This just sucks! Suggestions needed! - kd... - 10-20-2004

I just went through this. I had a backhoe come in and dig the trench. Bought and replaced the pipe myself. Backhoe charge $150, plastic pipe price $30. If your problem is between the main line and the meter, its the cities problem. Your responsibility is from the meter to your house. You could run a garden hose from the neighbors to your house until you get the pipe replaced. Just shut off the main valve in your house and connect the hose to an open hose faucet with a female/female hose coupler. It will work fine for a day or so.

Re: [kd...] This just sucks! Suggestions needed! - CBR - 10-20-2004

Thanks for all the advice. We have had over several plumbers today for bids and diagnosis. Majority of them think the stop and waste may be the culprit so they are coming to replace it. If that doesn't resolve the issue then we are getting copper re-ran for the main line.

*crosses fingers*

Re: [CBR] This just sucks! Suggestions needed! - wiperhunter2 - 10-21-2004

There is a guy on the site that does plumbing work for $30.00 a hour and he has done work for me. He does a great job but it sounds like you have someone working on it already. Good luck, if you still need his name and number, send me a PM. He made a post on the for sale board a while back as 1goldentrout.