Fishing Forum
Do you have the will and strength to go fishing in the Red Sea, Egypt South Cost (Hurghada) - Printable Version

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Do you have the will and strength to go fishing in the Red Sea, Egypt South Cost (Hurghada) - lezlez - 09-08-2002


Re: [lezlez] Do you have the will and strength to go fishing in the Red Sea, Egypt South Cost (Hurghada) - theangler - 09-10-2002

Sounds good to me! Is that an invataion(haha)? What are you fishing for?

Re: [theangler] Do you have the will and strength to go fishing in the Red Sea, Egypt South Cost (Hurghada) - lezlez - 11-14-2002

Sounds good to me! Is that an invataion(haha)? What are you fishing for? [/reply]
Hey Mike, sure not what u have in mind but did u ever go fishing in Hurghada? There's an international contest from Dec. 12-17, would u like to join our team or have your own team?

Re: [lezlez] Do you have the will and strength to go fishing in the Red Sea, Egypt South Cost (Hurghada) - theangler - 11-14-2002

[size 2][size 1]Hello Lezlez,[/size]

[size 1]Thank you very much for the invite! I've been fortunate enough to travel many places but have never been to Egypt but would love to go. Dec. 12 is probably a stretch to pull off a trip like that but I would definitely be interested in trying it in the future. [/size]

[size 1]Out of curiosity what type of tournament is it and how does the team structure typically work?[/size]

[size 1]How would I go about making reservations, obtaining a fishing lic, etc..[/size]

[size 1]How many times a year do you fish there?[/size]

[size 1]Do you travel there for the tourney or do you live there?[/size]

[size 1]Sounds like a new experience and great time, please update us on how it turns out![/size][/size]