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Henrys Lake report and pics - Printable Version

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Henrys Lake report and pics - Everet14 - 10-24-2004

Today we drove up to Henryss and as soon as we got on top of ashton hill it started snowing hard. We continued on to the Cliffs and unpacked our snow cacked tubes and pontoons. Suprisingly it was red hot I mean Red Hot! My uncle caught the first fish of the day a very nice 19 inch hybrid, then on the very next cas I caught a big 20 inch very fat cutt . Two or three casts later my dad hooked up with a big fish that surfaced and spit the hook. Then you guessed it, my uncle hooked up again same result 20 inch cutt. Then my mom and dad decided to call it quits because it was freezing and the snow was too much. After a while my uncles friend caught a giant went to shore and netted a 25 inch cutt. As I was fishing my way over to them I hooked a nice fish but after a while it spit the hook. Then on the very next cast I caught a fish and after and extremely long fight I kicked into shore and netted the most beautiul Yellowstone Cutt I have ever seen, 22 inches and very red. All in all a fabulous day except for the freezing weather, man o man was it cold. About six inches of snow fell up there today hopefull we are in for a hard winter! All the fish were caught on Bills Holloween leech with a very fast strip, and a full sink line. Great day P.S. Bill did you show up after a bunch of tubedudes quit?

Re: [Everet14] Henrys Lake report and pics - fish4fish - 10-24-2004

BURR, looks cold, very nice fish though, expeciall the fatty and your yellowstone cutt. ill have to add that lake to my list to fish

Re: [Everet14] Henrys Lake report and pics - fish1on - 10-24-2004

Pay's off to be a diehard!!

Very nice.

Re: [Everet14] Henrys Lake report and pics - bsflies - 10-25-2004

Ya, I came in just as you were leaving and you left two hours too early!!!!! The huge hybrids started hitting about 1:30 - a 26 incher and a 28 incher came to a Christmas fly.

Only one more Saturday left - if the hard water does not hit the lake this week, I will be there to exercise the fish for one last time before it closes. I am looking forward to a great year next year as I will only be guiding two days a week and fishing the other days.


Re: [bsflies] Henrys Lake report and pics - Everet14 - 10-25-2004

Dang! we were going to stay but we had been there since 6:30 and evryone was cold. I will be going up again friday evening any suggestions from a tube? thank you and hope to have as good of day as we did

Re: [Everet14] Henrys Lake report and pics - BrianID - 10-25-2004

Thanks for the story and pics. Henry's sure can be a cold place to fish during October.