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Blackened red snapper - Printable Version

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Blackened red snapper - tubeN2 - 11-09-2004

Ingredients: [ul] 2 ts Onion powder 1 1/2 ts Garlic powder 1 ts Dry mustard 1 ts Ground thyme 1/8 ts Pepper 2 ts Crushed pequin Quebrado chile 4 (4 oz.) red snapper or Other lean whitefish Fillets[/ul]Combine Onion Powder, Garlic Powder, Dry Mustard, Ground Thyme. Pepper, & Chile; Sprinkle One Side Of Each Fillet With Half Of This Mixture. Coat A Large Cast Iron Skillet With Cooking Spray; Place Over Medium High Heat Until Hot. Add Fillets, Seasoned Side Down, & Cook 4 Min. Sprinkle Fillets With Remaining Onion Powder Mixture; Turn Fillets Over & Cook 3 Min. OR Until Fillets Are Blackened & Flake Easily When Tested With A Fork.