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E-lake or bust.. - Printable Version

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E-lake or bust.. - fuzzyfisher - 12-10-2004

ok i'm going to give it another try today to get into E-lake..
hope the weather is up to me today!! lol

i will let everyone know how it is..

dude on fish?

Re: [fuzzyfisher] E-lake or bust.. - Kent - 12-10-2004

I bet that the weather will be up to you -- probably be up to your waist!

Re: [fuzzyfisher] E-lake or bust.. - Theekillerbee - 12-10-2004

Good luck fuzzy! Are you going to hit the dam or take your sled over to the boat launch?

Re: [fuzzyfisher] E-lake or bust.. - Coldfooter - 12-10-2004

Good luck Ron. You go ahead and break tail,, opps!, I meant break trail!! [laugh]

Re: [Coldfooter] E-lake or bust.. - fuzzyfisher - 12-11-2004

well i have returned from the great slushy E-lake.. wow nice day up there.. only thing was the deep snow.. but me and a guy named steve have plowed a good tail down.. mostly me !! i got there around 10:00 and started the long trudged down to the ice.. first the snowbanks to start out with.. after that not to bad going over the dam.. then came the downward plow.. man every year i say i'm not going to be the one to make the tail again this year!! and there you have it.i'm makeing the tail again will the trip down the hill was addventfall to say the about 1/2 way down and did the worst thing a man can do on a snow coverd rock!! one leg on one side and the other leg on the other side and not a thing for my feet to stand on ouch i hate it when that happens!!!you might think ok thats the worst thing that could happen right? well finley got down to the ice started out bracking through top crust of slush 5 feet out and gave my self a hart attack.. well decided the ice must be safe if i can come down that hard on it and not go through.. lol ..nice way to start the day huh? .ok walked out to my spot and drilled a hole got my new sweet vexilar fish finder out droped it in the hole turnd it on flash but no bottom so adjusted gain still not'a ..pulled it up to look at the tranducer and found the problem.. one of my boys new cute puppys has chewed the cable up and now it dont work!!! i'm thinking ok there going to be some dead dogs when i get home.. good thing i had time to cool off before i got home!! puppys are fine.. ok after getting the second kick in the croch in little under 20min's i'm thinking the fishing better be good!!
well at lest one thing went well.. the fishing was well what can i say it was E-lake the fishing was great!! started out slow at the first spot i stoped on so moved in closer to the shoure and started some bumps on whatta crickets tiped with crawler and minnows but no hook ups.. so went to a plane 1/4oz glow jig and put a minnow on it's side on the hook and hook the first fish about 11:00 some time.. after that it was a fish evey 10 to 20 min's.. around 1:30 i seen anothe crazy person comeing out the dam.. well he got down did not say much but hook a fish soon after starting to fish.. so i asked him what he was useing.. he came over and shot the bull for a min or to.. said he was useing a white tube tipped with worms.. but he was wishing he had brought his minnows..
well dont know how many fish i cough today but i did use a bag of minnows..
well thats E-lake for to take the good with the bad and have a good day on the ice..

dude on fish?

Re: [fuzzyfisher] E-lake or bust.. - Theekillerbee - 12-11-2004

Thanks for the update fuzzy! Too bad about the vex. I hope it doesn't cost too much for a replacement cable/ducer.

Re: [fuzzyfisher] E-lake or bust.. - Coldfooter - 12-11-2004

Chest nuts roasting on a big slick rock. Jackfrost nippin' at your nose.
Wait a minute, theres no rock in that song!

Dont ya hate it when that happens!! I did a simular thing off the rocks near the dam at Echo last winter so I can honestly say, I feel man!

To bad about the Vex Ron but it fixable, after all its just coax..
I'm glad all went well as far as the catching tho'. Those look like some purtty shiskies!!

Re: [fuzzyfisher] E-lake or bust.. - Out4Trout - 12-11-2004

[cool]Nice fish, fuzzy. You are a pioneer on them high Manti-Lasalle Lakes, aren't ya? You always get to/have the balls to hit them first, long before anybody declares them safe ice! You da man! This report gets me excited to go chase the bows at Scofield tomorrow. Hope I get a cut or two as well.

Re: [fuzzyfisher] E-lake or bust.. - Kent - 12-11-2004

Ron, how thick is the ice?

Re: [fuzzyfisher] E-lake or bust.. - fish4fish - 12-11-2004

Nice fish fuzzy, it sucks about the rock, and about the velx, and about the almost swim, hell fishing is going to be the death of you, but at least you cought some nice fish. and what a great day to be on the hard water.

Re: [kentofnsl] E-lake or bust.. - fuzzyfisher - 12-11-2004

the ice was about 4" thick solid blue ice with 3"of slush and 10" of nice fluffy snow on top to make it look nice and flat..
the weight of the snow it bowing the ice down about 3" inches. about as deep as the slush is.. first really cold night should take care of the slush.. maybe tonight the temp will drop down some up there..

dude on fish?

Re: [fuzzyfisher] E-lake or bust.. - BryanE - 12-11-2004

Hey Fuzzy! [pirate]

Luved your little novel. and the pix

Are we doing another Fish Lake Trip this year?

Re: [BryanE] E-lake or bust.. - fuzzyfisher - 12-11-2004

oh yeah would I like to do the fish lake thing again this year!!
i'm just waiting for the phone call from my buddy saying it's on!! send me a pm if you all get something going down there..

dude on fish?

Re: [fuzzyfisher] E-lake or bust.. - BryanE - 12-11-2004

If you get that call, let me know, I would love to join you guys again. I have been thinking of getting a group from my neighborhood to go some time in January, but haven't set it up yet. If you get a date set let me know, maybe we will join with ya.

Re: [Theekillerbee] E-lake or bust.. - fuzzyfisher - 12-11-2004

new vexilar ice-ducer dual beam 99.99 $$$ + shipping 16.00..
men i really hate that dog!!
any one want a free puppy? i got 7 of them?
dont know which one did the dirty deed but right now i just want them gone..

dude on fish?

Re: [fuzzyfisher] E-lake or bust.. - Out4Trout - 12-12-2004

[pirate]Damn, that sucks, fuzzy. Hope it gets here soon for your next ice adventure.