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Ice is on Pelican - Printable Version

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Ice is on Pelican - Kayote - 12-10-2004

The ice is on Pelican and a buddy just reported he had a 40 gill trip yesterday. I will try it this weekend and give an update next week. Hey Billy, I tried sending a PM but I guess it didn't go through. Give me a call if your in the Basin this weekend. Lets go land some yellow grubs................

Good Fishing, Kayote

Re: [Kayote] Ice is on Pelican - fairwayphilly - 12-11-2004

How thick is the ice? I'm heading to Vernal for christmas and was hoping to slip away long enough to pound some gills. Also, does Steinaker have any ice on it yet, always seems like we were fishing there well before christmas in the past.

Re: [fairwayphilly] Ice is on Pelican - Kayote - 12-13-2004

There is four inches on Pelican. Good ice. Went sunday and killed the bluegill. No ice on Steinaker yet, but that may change in a couple weeks. I'll try to let you know.

Good Fishing, Kayote

Re: [Kayote] Ice is on Pelican - archerben55 - 12-13-2004

I have never been to Pelican, but I would love to pull some bluegills through the ice. Does the lake freeze up for the winter? Or is it pretty spotty because of it's low elevation? If it's still solid this weekend, I think I'll give er a try.

Re: [Kayote] Ice is on Pelican - Tincanfsh - 12-13-2004

Hey Kayote,

Thank's for the update. I just read your thread. I was in the basin this past weekend but didn't see this until now.

I did hit Steinaker sat from 11 to 3:30 from the yak. I slayed some slimers. There was ice near the dam and over by the old inlets. all the rest was open. The ice was about half inch to a inch thick. I caught 12 small bow's and a big billy bass pushing 20 ". I was hoping to hit the honey hole by the dam for some gills but it was capped.


Re: [Tincanfsh] Ice is on Pelican - Kayote - 12-13-2004

Hey Tin,

Sorry I missed you. I tried a pm, but I guess it was too late. Big Al hurt his back and K2 was hunting bunnies with his bow. I was really looking for someone to go. Shoot, I'd have gone on the yaks too. I need to go paddling. Next time. Congrats on the big Billy Bass.


Fishing is all on the east end. West end is muddy and dead like last year. Water level is a couple feet above C-Pool. No news on Starvation other than the perch are really coming on this year.


Pelican will have good ice all winter. Be carefull at the edge because it fills all winter. Pelican gets good thick ice until march. Bring meal worms and small jigs.

Good Fishing, Kayote

Re: [Kayote] Ice is on Pelican - Out4Trout - 12-15-2004

[cool]Kayote, that's great news about the perch at Starvation. I've never fished it before, but want to this winter when there's safe ice. If the Walleye are not biting, hopefully the perchies will be on!

Re: [Kayote] Ice is on Pelican - archerben55 - 12-16-2004

I'm looking to head to Pelican on Saturday and just wanted to make sure the warmer temps haven't deteriated the ice too much. Does anybody know if ice conditions are still good?

Re: [Kayote] Ice is on Pelican - leaky - 12-16-2004

I had to get rid of the tent trailer because it fell apart. No $ to replace it. Now I have no place to camp out on unless it's a tent. That's tough on an old guy!!! Boy, that sounds like it's worth the trip and suffering![cool] Any particular area along the east side? pm me if best. [blush]

Re: [leaky] Ice is on Pelican - Kayote - 12-17-2004


The ice is still good on Pelican. I don't know about the front, but it's cold in the Basin.


Go from the highway about in the middle of the east end. Go out past the reed island into deeper water. Move around if they're not hitting. It took about three moves before I found the mother load. Good Luck.


I'll send a PM when we might be able to put it together for a trip.

Good Fishing, Kayote

Re: [Kayote] Ice is on Pelican - archerben55 - 12-17-2004

Thanks Kayote. That'll make the 2 1/2 hour trip a little easier to handle knowing that I'm not going to arrive to open water.

Re: [Kayote] Ice is on Pelican - leaky - 12-18-2004

Thanks guy, you're the real stuff. Any suggestions on a cheap motel in Roosevelt or Vernal?[Smile] We might just give it a shot even though it's a good distance.