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Plan to survive before a natural disaster - Printable Version

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Plan to survive before a natural disaster - DanielJRioux - 12-23-2004

Before the disaster
Regardless of how much time you have to react to a disaster, you can do things well in advance to prepare.

To prepare for any kind of disaster, pack a survival kit that includes:
[ul] [li]Non-perishable food [li]A first-aid kit [li]A radio and flashlight with fresh batteries [li]A container with fresh water [li]A portable cooking device [li]Extra clothing, including blankets, heavy work gloves, tools, and nails. [/li][/ul]Make a complete inventory of your possessions. Keep it in a bank safe deposit box or other safe place away from home.

[ul] [li]Decide whether you will: [ul] [li]Go to a designated shelter, [li]Leave the area for a safer place inland, or [li]Ride out the storm in your home (if local authorities permit you to stay). [/li][/ul] [li]Plan an escape route. [li]Stock plywood and materials you may need to board up windows before you leave. [li]Move garbage cans and other large objects inside the house or garage. [li]Secure boats and cars left behind. [li]Shut off utilities. [/li][/ul]

Learn the difference between
[ul] [li]A tornado watch (means tornadoes may develop) and [li]A tornado warning (means a twister has been sighted and you should seek shelter immediately). [li]Learn your community's warning signals. [li]Conduct drills with your family. [/li][/ul]Earthquake:
[ul] [li]Eliminate hazards in the home. [li]Bolt down water heaters. Strap them securely to a wall. [li]Be sure your house is bolted to the foundation. [li]Make sure the chimney and roof are in good condition and well supported. [li]Attach mirrors, picture frames, hanging plants, or lamps securely to a wall or ceiling. [li]Keep beds away from glass or any hanging object that might fall. [li]Brace tall furniture or bookcases and refrigerators, and attach to walls. [li]Use sturdy latches on cabinets to keep doors from swinging open. [li]Use flexible connectors for gas supply to gas fueled appliances. [/li][/ul]