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Whats the worst trick you have ever pulled on your fishin buddy? - Printable Version

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Whats the worst trick you have ever pulled on your fishin buddy? - Profishing - 02-02-2005

Well here i will start this off [Wink] lol ok the worst trick i pulled on my fishing buddy was i hid a afew dead minnow in his ice hut at the end of the ice season.The next season he opened the door and bingo his nose got a wiff of it, he slammed the door as fast as he opened it.He just said My name mad in about 16 different languages. whats your worst trick?

Re: [Profishing] Whats the worst trick you have ever pulled on your fishin buddy? - DrownedDesertRat - 02-07-2005

I caught a bunch of bullheads one day when he cancelled joining me. I loaded the bucket with them. Then I went to his place and left them hidden in his bushes, scorching in the hot sun. He never knew they were there until he tried to figure out where that horrible smell was coming from. LOL. I'll never live that one down.

Re: [DrownedDesertRat] Whats the worst trick you have ever pulled on your fishin buddy? - 1iceman - 02-18-2005

[Smile] minow in the beer..
dead fish under the car seat..

Re: [Profishing] Whats the worst trick you have ever pulled on your fishin buddy? - JapanRon - 04-18-2005

Hi there,

On the cattleboats everyone often takes 4-5 rods that are already setup and ready for instant casting. Especially for tuna and barracuda. While my buddy was sleeping, I reversed the reel (conventional) on one of his rods and re-strung the line (jig and all) so it looked like it was ready to go !!! It's an old trick here in SoCal.

Re: [Profishing] Whats the worst trick you have ever pulled on your fishin buddy? - daffy - 05-08-2006

[black][size 1]I've played this trick on my brother 3 times in the last 20 years. While ice fishing I wait until a really slow day, and he is busy with something and not looking, I then hook my big ice spoon (the scoop you get the chips of ice out of the hole, it weighs about 4 lbs) and lower it to the bottom. Then when I notice he is looking I set the hook! Every time he comes running! [/size][/black]
[black][size 1]All out of breath "Looks like a nice one!"[/size][/black]
[size 1]"Yeah!" I say, "I might need some help with this one!"[/size]
[size 1]Then just like all the other times out the scoop comes out of the hole! Man I'm a stinker! One of these times he is going to stick that scoop somewhere it was not ment to go! OUCH heh LBD[/size]

Re: [Profishing] Whats the worst trick you have ever pulled on your fishin buddy? - Tarpon4me - 05-08-2006

My mom and dad use to take me to the local peirs when I was younger to fish. My mom had a bad habit of throwing her line out and walking away. So, my buddy and I got her one day.

She tossed out her line as usual, and headed down the peir for a bathroom break. While she was starting down the peir, my buddy quickly reeled in her two hook bottom rig. On one hook, we attached a dead blue fish that had been laying on the bait table all day, nice and crispy. On the other hook, we attached a five gallon zip lock bag. NICE![cool] We chunked it back out as far as we could send it. We then tied a little wrap of 2 pound test line to the end and run it aroud the side of the peir.

Once she got back up the peir, I began giving the lighter line a steady tug, ofcourse, she ran and set the hook. As she set the hook, it unraveled the loosly tied not and the fight was on. LMAO

She was tugging on five gallons worth of water against the current. She fought that plastic bag for 10 minutes. Finally, as my friend and I cry in pain from laughing, she ends the torment by landing her 5 gallon bag and crusty old blue fish.

Re: [Tarpon4me] Whats the worst trick you have ever pulled on your fishin buddy? - tomc - 05-08-2006

lol,thats just not right picking on you mom like that

Re: [tomc] Whats the worst trick you have ever pulled on your fishin buddy? - tomc - 05-09-2006

mine is ,with my buddy i saltwater fish with,which also owns the boat,on slow days for fluke,just after lunch he takes a "cat nap".when he dose this,he sits in the back of the boat and faces forward,he takes is rod and places it on his shoulder,with his hand around the reel and thumb through the line and rod.after 10-15 mins,to make sure he is mor asleep than awake,i reach over with my rodand hook his line with the eyelets of my pole and give it a good tug.most of the time it takes only once,sumethigs 2 times,he scrambles to his feet and spins around ready to "set the hook" to nothing

Re: [Profishing] Whats the worst trick you have ever pulled on your fishin buddy? - tubeN2 - 05-09-2006

I like to play with the newbies on the Cattle boats. They will generally use a lighter weigt than the ocean current requires and tangles others.

Once it hits my line, I pull theirs in, attach and old freshwater Bass worm and slowly lower their line and give it a tug. They get psyched out when they start pulling up plastic worms.

On other trips, I like to watch the old "Pros" set up the back lash setting on their conventional reels so that they don't have to use the thumb to control it.

When they go to the bathroom, I carefully loosen it back up. The rest of the boat watches me carefully and all enjoy the laugh when the "Pro" throws out a Pelican sized Crows nest.[cool]

Re: [tubeN2] Whats the worst trick you have ever pulled on your fishin buddy? - Tarpon4me - 05-10-2006

Did you read this one Tomc? That's worse than what I did to my mom. LOL, that's so wrong to loosen the break on the reel.

I'll never leave my reel unguarded around you Steve. [cool]

Re: [Tarpon4me] Whats the worst trick you have ever pulled on your fishin buddy? - tomc - 05-10-2006

yea i saw that,lol sounds like you cant leave any of your tackle around steve. lol

Re: [tomc] Whats the worst trick you have ever pulled on your fishin buddy? - Spokane_Angler - 05-16-2006

When i was in high school i had this fishing buddy named Seth, every weekend we would drive out to the same lake.

Seth would always nod off if the fishing was slow. Then i decided I would alleviate my boredom.

Sometimes I would just tug on his line and he would jump up set his hook and reel in before he realized what had happened.

Then there was the airhorn fiasco of 1989 that actually caused him to fall out of the boat.

Or the Smoke Bomb incident of 2000 when he literally jumped in the lake cause he thought the boat was on fire.

I am sure there are many more and he was always alot of fun to fish with but as we grew older I started moving around the U.S. and he and his friend took over a friends dads business.

The one nice thing about having a fishing buddy is the friendship and laughter while your fishing. Thankfully my wife is my fishing buddy now so she is at the end of alot of jokes. Some day I may find myself stranded on that same island I left Seth on sooo many times.

Re: [Spokane_Angler] Whats the worst trick you have ever pulled on your fishin buddy? - Rockabilly714 - 05-22-2006

I remember years ago my family got a house boat in lake shasta with my aunt and uncle and cousins my mom was fishing at night and i got in the water and kept tugging on the line and she would reel in nothing and then cast out again it was so hard not to laugh hiding on the side of the boat then she relized that i was in the water 30 min later and 20 recasts

Re: [Profishing] Whats the worst trick you have ever pulled on your fishin buddy? - Snags_Alot - 06-04-2006

I was fishin with my cousin and decreased his drag so even a small perch could give him a run....actually he did get a bite but he didn't notice till half his line was spooled.

Re: [Snags_Alot] Whats the worst trick you have ever pulled on your fishin buddy? - Tarpon4me - 06-05-2006

LOL, I did that to a friend of mine one time, but it back fired on me. I loosened it up too much and it back lashed on him; and ofcourse he lost a very nice fish because of it. Hints I don't do that anymore. Watch out for Tubn2 though, he's the drag bandit. [Tongue]

Re: [Tarpon4me] Whats the worst trick you have ever pulled on your fishin buddy? - tubeN2 - 06-12-2006

Come one now! I don't do it everyday. Only on the days that end with "Y". Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday................[cool]

Re: [tubeN2] Whats the worst trick you have ever pulled on your fishin buddy? - fish_a_holic - 07-31-2006

worst trick:

A hot Summer day in July some years back, I took a "newbie" slop fishing with me along the backwaters of the Kankakee...I told him in advance that I'd be teaching him to worm fish, to pick up some various plastic worms and hooks (I gave him a list) and prepare to fish hard and long. I show him upon arrival my plastic box full of worms, (my nasty prank is hidden if full view within the box) I take one out and proceed to show him how to rig it and basic techniques to fish it...point him in the direction of a likely spot and walk over to another and proceed to fish.

I cast for a period of time and he watches as I open my worm box and select a new worm color and continue to fish...he's doing more observing than fishing, so I decide to set the trap...I open my worm box again, and say just loud enough for him to hear "man, I wish I'd a remembered my lunch, oh well, this'll just have to do" he watches as I select a worm from my box and chuck it into my mouth and start chewing "mmmmm now that hits the spot", I said...and he say "you can eat those worms?"...I open up the box and grab another and start chewing on it with glee...out of the corner of my eye I continue to watch as he can no longer take it, he opens his worm box, pulls out a plastic worm, chucks it in his mouth and spits that worm half way across the bayou. LOL. "how can you stand there and eat those things?" he said in a painfully astonished voice...

...and I replied "why gummi worms taste great, dontcha know"