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Canyon Lake, Lakes LBJ & Buchanan Guide Report - Printable Version

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Canyon Lake, Lakes LBJ & Buchanan Guide Report - JimF - 09-09-2005

Canyon Lake: Water gin clear; 78-81 degrees; 908.77':

Largemouth are good at 1st light in 3'-6' on "natural" 4" Whacky Sticks, ( watermelon Skip-N-Pop topwaters ( and white 1/8 oz. Tiny-T buzzbaits ( Later, Carolina
rigging submerged treelines in 12'-20' w/ a pump-char Snap Back lizard and Texas rigged pump. 4" Ring Worms w/char. tails. Upriver,a Ice Tea Scoundrel Worm( on a 3/0 "K" Wacky Hook ( and shallow running crankbaits tight to undercut banklines produce until after midmorning.

Smallmouth are fair to good just before and right at daylight working rockpiles in 10'-18' w/pumpkin Devil's Tongues on Drop Shot rigs, 3" watermelon-chart. Jr. Craws ( and smoke-red Snap Back tubes on

White Bass are fair but small at daylight along mainlake points over 40' of water on Spoiler Shads and vertically jigging 1/4 oz. Pirk Minnows.

Crappie are good in brushpiles and tops in 8'-15' on minnows.

For lodging recommendations or to book a guided trip w/the only licensed, fulltime, professional guides fishing Canyon Lake contact JR's Guide Service ( Call (830) 833-5688 or email Your most convenient source for live bait and tackle is Canyon Bait House, 15605 Cranes Mill Rd., (830) 899-9747.
Lake LBJ: Water stained; 79 degrees; 824.80':

Largemouth are good working creek points that intersect w/the main channel and seawalls w/rip rap in 2'-6' of water on black-blue buzzbaits, chrome-blue Bleeding Shad
'Traps (, 2-1/2" pearl blue Skip-N-Pop ( and white-chart. "Red Series" spinner-
baits ( Mid-morning skipping wtrmelon-red Whacky Sticks (, watermelon 1/4 oz. Tiny-T jigs and Snap Back tubes stationary boat docks w/wooden pilings (not floating docks).

Stripers are fair at night in 8'-12' on Spoiler Shads and white bucktails w/white grub trailers.

White Bass are fair to good at night under lights on Lit'l Fishies and chrome 1/8th oz. Tiny Traps (

Crappie are fair to good on minnows along lighted docks at night and brushpiles in 8'-15' during the day on minnows.

To book a guided trip with the only fulltime guide fishing LBJ for over 45 years contact JR's Guide Service ( Call (830) 833-5688 or email:

Lake Buchanan: Water clear; 78-82 degrees; 1016.40':

Largemouth are good at 1st light along 3'-6' creek channel breaklines on silver Terminator buzzbaits ( chrome-chart. Bleeding Shad Rat-L-Traps (, 3" Daquiri Skip-N-Pop
topwaters ( & wacky rigged watermelon Whacky Sticks ( on "K" Wacky Hook ( Later in the day, working submerged mainlake humps and brushpiles w/a Carolina rigged green-pumpkin Snap Back creature bait, pitching deepwater boat docks w/a watermelon-red Craw Tube or deep diving crank-
baits produces.

Stripers are fair at daylight chasing baitfish on the surface in the general area of Crystal Cove using Rattlin' Rogues, Zara Spook and 1/2 oz. silver Pirk Minnows.

Crappie are good over brushpiles in 10'-15' along bluffs and off points. For info. or to book a guided trip for largemouth or stripers contact JR's Guide Service ( Call (830) 833-5688 or