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A Change of Tactics Brings Good Variety Fishing - Printable Version

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A Change of Tactics Brings Good Variety Fishing - KnotNancy - 09-16-2005

September has always been a slow month for me charter fishing wise. This September has been no exception. The few times I've been out, the fishing has been good. It has required a change in fishing tactics to get a good catch. Yes, there have been some sailfish and the kingfishing has been OK for those who like to troll. What we have been doing is fishing wrecks in the 110 to 375 foot range with some very good success. The weather has been very good on the days we've been out and this makes fishing these wrecks enjoyable.

Today for example the wind was from the NNE to NNW @ 2 - 6 knots. This gave us flat calm seas. There was a south current and whether we drifted over the deeper wrecks or anchored on the shallower ones, it didn't require very much compensation for wind or current. The current was light enough so that we could get down with 8 ounces of lead. We started in 240' off Haulover and caught vermillion snapper, yellow jack, and AJ's along with a blue runner that went into the live well for barracuda bait later on. The next wreck was in 230' and turned out to be the most disappointing one of the morning. The 3rd stop in 225' had us catching more of the same varieties. We ended the morning anchoring in 170'. Here we caught gag grouper, lane snapper, mangrove snapper, and vermillion snapper on the bottom. Meanwhile on the flat lines, Georgie and Tom had action with bomber size bonito that we had chummed up around the boat. The surface explosions of the bonito hitting the live chum had everyone excited. About a 100 yards offshore of us, we saw a free jumping sailfish. The chum didn't get its attention, but we were glad to see the fish nonetheless. On the way in, we made one quick stop at Haulover Inlet and put out the live bluerunner to try for a barracuda. We got the hit, unfortunately the Cuda hit the mono portion of the leader while striking the bait and we all know what happens to mono leaders when it comes into contact with sharp teeth.

So as you can see, by changing tactics, we caught a variety of fish and got to bring home some snapper for dinner. Give me a call to schedule a trip and lets get out and get in on the variety.

Captain Dave Kostyo
Knot Nancy Fishing Charters
305 620-5896 Charter
305 965-9454 Cell