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Whats the deal? - Printable Version

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Whats the deal? - HFT - 12-09-2005

is it too coooooold! to go through a fly?

Re: [HFT] Whats the deal? - icthys - 12-09-2005

I haven't been out, not due to the cold, but I would imagine it's right on the edge of being to cold. Guides freezing up every 5 minutes is not my idea of a great time flyfishing.

Re: [HFT] Whats the deal? - katghoti - 12-10-2005

I would fly fish at -200. I haven't been out due to the hectic holiday schedule. I am hoping to get out the 23rd to the 27th.


Re: [HFT] Whats the deal? - campfire - 12-10-2005

I fished the Middle Provo today. Yup, it was cold. No, wait, I didn't say that right. It was colder than the ring tails of %$#@! But I found how to beat the Provo crowds. Actually, it was quite enjoyable. I didn't have that much trouble staying comfortable because I was well prepared but like Ikthys said, I had to clean my guides about every 4 or 5 casts, maybe less. But it was still better than Christmas shopping. The worst part was the drive home. I decided to avoid Parly's Canyon and took Provo Canyon. I decided "you can't get there from here".

Re: [HFT] Whats the deal? - flygirl - 12-11-2005

It is too cold! I'm going through some serious withdrawls. What do you guys do to get through the winters? (besides ice-fishing) Jen said she was gonna try to get out tomorrow. Heard that it was warmer up in Morgan than down here. We'll see....

Re: [flygirl] Whats the deal? - flygoddess - 12-11-2005

I just tie flies to get me through this cold spell. It usually isn't that cold this early, but here it is and I got the gas bill to prove it. I have fished in this cold also, it is a bit miserable, miss alot of strikes while shivering and trust me I have the right apparel (worked for a local fly shop for almost four years and got a great discount). The thing I don't care for is the chance to break a tip on a rod cause of ice. I use ice off but as mentioned earlier that works 4 - 5 casts. Put your tip in the water and pull it out with more ice on it, or better yet, get a little water on the reel and have it freeze up on you. So, tie a good selection of flies right now.
I got some great patterns.
Fly Goddess

Re: [flygirl] Whats the deal? - HFT - 12-12-2005

Jen will have a tough time at morgan too. drove by there today,the river is coverd from bank to bank with ice. Give it a couple of weks and that will break up and it will be fine to fly fish. As the Goddess says tie flies to get ready. Disco midges,small pheasant tails etc.

Re: [HFT] Whats the deal? - flygirl - 12-12-2005

James, you need to get a flytying class going! I'm still too new to figure out how to tie anything that requires more than 2 materials (and that includes the hook). And besides we have to get together with other flyfishers to commiserate about the coldness. I told Jen she would suffer but she really wanted to go. Thanks for the advice Joni.

Re: [flygirl] Whats the deal? - riverdog - 12-12-2005

I agree, it's too cold. I signed up to BFT 2 weeks ago and haven't posted anything until now because I haven't fished any in 2 weeks. I like it to be at least above freezing so the guides aren't freezing up constantly. I am planning on fishing some small creeks in Southern Utah that are fairly low elevation this weekend. 3 weeks ago I was down there fishing in short sleeves. The fishing was good and my 5 month old puppy got her first taste of going fishing. I don't know how fish in those creeks survive the heat in the summer. Well maybe there will be a heat wave next week ( 35 degrees would be great) and I'll get out and hit the Weber.

Re: [HFT] Whats the deal? - katghoti - 12-12-2005

A great one material pattern right now for the Weber is a egg colored glo bug (not red, look for egg color or peach color glo bug yarn). Easy to tie, use kevlar thread for best results. Drift with little or no weight.


Re: [HFT] Whats the deal? - flygoddess - 12-12-2005

I agree with fly girl, that I am JONESIN (No pun intended considering my name is Joni). I am not playin' music this weekend so I have every intention of suiting up and heading to the middle. I have tied some killer pupa emergers, 22 pheasants, and some 26-30 midges. Ready to feel the tug, don't think that I will chance the bamboo on this though, maybe a lttle stiffer 4wt. Anybody up for this my e-mail is